Why Should You Eat Jelly?

In addition to providing us with proteins and minerals, which are very important for our bones and joints, when we eat gelatin we also obtain collagen, which helps us keep our skin firmer.

Eating jelly is something we do more as an occasional treat or treat than as an important part of the diet. However, today we want to talk to you about the benefits it can bring us.

You probably don’t know that gelatin is a fundamental part of jams, ice cream, some yogurts , gummy candies, marshmallows and some types of sauces. If we talk about other applications, you can also find it as part of some cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.

What are the benefits of eating gelatin?

We are going to present you the benefits derived from the habitual consumption of gelatin. Remember that we are talking about the food as such, not its sugary commercial varieties.

1. Control your weight

Its fiber and protein content helps you feel full and eliminates sweet food cravings . This is great, because you will eat only what the body needs. Many nutritionists recommend it as a substitute for sweets. If you want to give it some variety, try creating chocolate mold figurines or making new versions of your favorite desserts.

2. Accelerates wound healing

As you know, proteins are an important part of the process that takes place when a wound heals. Additionally, there is an amino acid called glycine that is closely linked to reducing inflammation.

By eating gelatin, the body receives a good dose of glycine and protein so that new skin is generated and healing takes less time. This effect has been shown to be enhanced by adding vitamin C to the gelatin itself, since this nutrient stimulates collagen synthesis.

3. Helps to have healthier nails, hair, skin and teeth

No one can deny that in today’s world we are constantly searching for options for healthier hair, skin, nails and teeth. Do you know what all of them have in common? The keratin .

Sure you have seen countless products that claim to contain high levels of keratin, but the vast majority cost a fortune. If you do not have to spend that much, or you want an option that is also delicious, it is time to eat jelly.

4. Improves bone and joint health

The proteins found in gelatin, along with selenium, phosphorus, and copper, help your bones stay strong and increase your body’s bone mineral density. This keeps osteoporosis at bay longer.

On the other hand, the amino acids in gelatin reduce inflammation that could affect your joints. Gelatin also contributes to the development of cartilage, which strengthens your joints and bones to a great extent. . This is evidenced by a study published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.

5. Improve sleep

Woman catching a spoonful of jelly.

Glycine is strongly linked to improved sleep cycles. This chemical too stimulates certain neurotransmitters and enzymes that increase the quality and duration of sleep.

For this reason, eating gelatin is important for your body to regain energy. Try eating a small portion of gelatin a couple of hours before going to sleep. You will see that the sleep is deeper and you will wake up much more rested.

6. Fight aging

Gelatin is dry collagen And this is one of the most important elements when it comes to skin health. Among the benefits that we obtain when consuming collagen is the obtaining of elasticity and the tension between the dermal cells.

Therefore, if you increase the amount of collagen , you can keep your skin firmer and younger looking. This is not to say that wrinkles and signs of aging will never appear, but they will later.

7. Improves digestive health

Gelatin has the peculiarity that it binds naturally with water. This makes it easier for the body to assimilate the fiber it contains. Remember that fiber intake is essential when it comes to preventing intestinal pathologies, as evidenced by an essay published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

If you adopt the habit of eating gelatin with some frequency you will see that problems such as constipation and the inability to properly absorb nutrients decrease . It also stimulates digestive juices and increases peristaltic movement in the intestinal muscles.

8. Relieves allergies

Many allergies are attributed to having a “leaky” gut that is unable to process certain substances. In addition to solving the problem that afflicts your digestive tract, Eating gelatin will cure certain problems caused by allergies .

We recommend that you occasionally include a good amount of gelatin in your diet and that you keep an eye on the foods that harm you.

9. Stimulates the immune system

6 benefits you get from including gelatin in your regular diet

Proline is another amino acid that you will get from eating gelatin. This chemical has been linked to improving immune function in many species of animals and humans. The above means that By eating gelatin you will improve the ability to fight infections and diseases.

Eat jelly without fear

Gelatin usually has no cons , m Beyond that, it will cause you a little bloating and stomach pain if you eat too much, something that very rarely happens. For this reason, including gelatin in your diet should not be a problem. Remember that, being so versatile, you can combine this food in different ways, with yogurt, fruit or as a dessert with your meal. However, keep in mind that it is necessary to choose varieties without sugar.

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