Why Is It Important To Maintain A Good Level Of Biotin In The Body?

Biotin is a B group vitamin that is essential for adequate psychological well-being and good physical performance. It is also very important for the health of the skin or nails.

Biotin is an essential vitamin for the body. In this article we will explain how important it is to maintain a good level of biotin. Feed yourself and provide well-being to the body.

Biotin (also called vitamin B7, B8, and H) is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the vitamin B complex. These are a group of essential nutrients that are needed for metabolic, nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular functions.

This vitamin is a fundamental coenzyme for our body, as it helps us metabolize fats, carbohydrates and amino acids.

In addition, it is responsible for converting glucose into energy. Therefore, it plays a fairly important role when it comes to carrying out physical activities and maintaining adequate psychological functioning.

It also helps keep skin or nail cells healthy and is also a direct agent of the creation of hemoglobin.

One of the ways to have a good level of biotin is through diet. Among the foods rich in this vitamin we find:

  • Liver
  • Soy
  • Egg
  • Fruit
  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios)
  • Salmon
  • Whole grains
  • Avocado
  • Cauliflower

Consuming these foods will help you maintain a good level of biotin. Here we will explain the importance of this vitamin for the body.

Helps improve our hair

biotin foods
Biotin is known to have a host of hair-enhancing properties. Thus, it contributes to strengthening, growth and gives it greater shine.

Therefore, the consumption of vitamin B7 or biotin as a natural supplement can be beneficial for hair loss. However, it is best to always consult your doctor before starting to take supplements.

Helps to de-stress and fight anxiety

On a daily basis we live under a lot of stress and some anxiety, whether due to work, family or other reasons. It is normal in life, but high levels of stress or anxiety can lead to serious problems.

Eating foods that contain biotin can help us combat stress and reduce fatigue and sadness.

The absence of vitamins in our body can promote depression, since it causes us weakness. Therefore, it is recommended to include biotin and other nutrients in our daily diet.

This can be a good complement to the treatment we are following if we suffer from chronic depression.

Speeds up our metabolism

It is essential in our body, since it  helps to accelerate our metabolism and, therefore, to improve intestinal functioning. 

It is also responsible for leveling the metabolism, as well as the production of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids.

May work as a natural pain reliever

vegetables and water
Biotin can work as a pain reliever and relieve muscle aches. 

Maintaining a good level of biotin will help you exercise and create a greater sense of well-being. Eat healthy and exercise: your body will appreciate it.

It is important for the skin

Biotin intake has many benefits for the skin. For example, by  eating foods that contain this vitamin we will be helping to fight dermatitis. This is due to its analgesic properties that help relieve irritation. In addition, this enzyme also helps us reduce stress, one of the possible causes of dermatitis.

It also helps combat  dry skin and prevent irritation, cracking or other skin infections.

It is important to note that the excessive consumption of biotin can cause acne, especially in the face area, so it should not be abused. You must be careful with the consumption of fats to avoid the appearance of acne. It is best to always go to the doctor to recommend the most appropriate dose.

It helps blood circulation

The lack of biotin in our body is related to the risk of anemia. This vitamin helps with the creation of hemoglobin and therefore also adjusts the blood levels in the body.

In addition, biotin facilitates the obtaining of energy through glucose,  which would help prevent diabetic neuropathy.

Likewise, blood circulation can also improve with the consumption of biotin.

Strengthens our nails

As with our hair, biotin helps in the health of our nails. This is because the cells responsible for its growth regenerate thanks to this vitamin. 

Helps protect brain function and fight cognitive decline

Biotin benefits the health of the nervous system due to its role in nerve signaling and neurotransmitter activity. Thus, it influences memory function and defends us against age-related cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

However, although this vitamin can help us in different areas to the body,  having an excessive level of biotin can be harmful. In some people it can cause allergic reactions, stomach pain, diarrhea and mild nausea. Also, diabetics should not consume biotin in excess because it increases glucose and fatty acids in the body.

It is best to consult our doctor before starting to take biotin supplements. This can be very beneficial, but in adequate amounts.

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