Why Does The Hair Fall From The Eyebrows?

Have you ever wondered why your eyebrow hair falls out? The eyebrows are the area covered with hair that is located about two centimeters from the eyes. They serve as protection for the eyes, as they prevent fluids such as sweat or water from entering them. Together with the eyelashes, they are an effective mechanism so that harmful agents do not enter them.

Throughout the years, fashions have been modifying the aesthetic concept of the eyebrows. In some stages, it has been a trend to wear them very shaved or even completely hairless. In others, the most aesthetic consisted of wearing them full and wide.

The truth is that the hair in this area can be affected by many processes and can fall out. When this occurs, the medical term used is superciliary madarosis. In this article we explain why it can happen and how to fix it.

Why does the hair fall from the eyebrows?

Why does the hair fall from the eyebrows?

Superciliary madarosis is the excessive loss of the hairs of the eyebrows. It is estimated that each person has around 400 to 500 eyebrow follicles. Also, it is normal to lose around 300 eyebrow hairs a year. If there is excessive and frequent loss, then it is classified as madarosis.

The amount of hair on the eyebrows is determined by genes. Like the rest of the body’s hair, its growth is influenced by many factors, such as metabolism or nutrition.

Hair loss in this area may be due to a dermatological problem, such as dermatitis or eczema. In fact, psoriasis is one of the main causes of this happening. It is a chronic disease that consists of the appearance of scaly plaques on the skin.

Any aggression, such as a burn, a wound or a scar, can cause hair to fall or not grow in this area. The same occurs with treatments such as radiotherapy, which if applied in this area, is very common to cause it.

Chemotherapy also leads, in many cases, to weakening and falling out of hair all over the body. In addition, we must emphasize that states of anxiety or stress are largely related to hair loss.

What other diseases can cause it?

In ancient times, when there were no effective treatments for hypothyroidism, it was common to find people with this pathology who barely had hair on their eyebrows. It is one of the diseases that is related to hair loss in this area.

Another cause of this happening is alopecia areata. It is a disease that consists of hair falling out, forming circles of bald spots. On the other hand, pathologies such as lupus, syphilis or leprosy can cause it.

What can be done to repopulate the eyebrows?

What can be done to repopulate the eyebrows?

When you notice a hair loss from the eyebrows, the most important thing is to go to the doctor or dermatologist. The cause must be studied in order to establish a correct and effective treatment.

First of all, there are certain medications that stimulate hair growth, such as minoxidil or prostaglandin analogs. They are the most used in cases of alopecia.

On the other hand, there are many cosmetic treatments that allow to complement these therapies while waiting for the result. For example, micropigmentation or eyebrow tattoos. They help fill in areas where hair has not been recovered.

In some cases, eyebrow transplants can even be performed. It consists of grafting hair from another part of the body in this area. It is more complex, but it is a permanent solution, especially when other treatments have failed.

What we must remember is that eyebrow hair loss can be due to many reasons. Therefore, it is essential to see a specialist, since the cause may be some disease or infection elsewhere.

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