When Your Dreams Speak Of Your Own Health

It may surprise you, but dreams speak of your own health. This happens because they are a reflection of the emotional world, where fears, anxieties and stress  translate into dream images that we all share equally.

For example, have you ever dreamed that you fell into the void? Throughout this article, you will discover what many of your dreams could mean, although reviewing what you are experiencing at a certain moment will allow you to make a much more accurate interpretation, and even more so if you do it with a professional.

Sleeping has a restorative effect on people. Also, while we rest, the brain is active organizing memories and thoughts.

Thus, for example, if you suffer from insomnia, it is common to have concentration and memory problems. Next, we are going to see how dreams speak about health and give us clues about what we have to change to be much better.

What are emotional dreams?

Young man sleeping

In your day to day, you go through multiple situations that you may not be fully aware of. Maybe you have pressures in your work or you do not see yourself recognized, but you prefer not to give it importance.

You may also have a problem at home that you do not dare to say out loud … all these aspects translate into internal anxieties, in dimensions not addressed that are installed in the unconscious.

Emotional health requires that we can cope with all this, it asks us for balance and tranquility. But the moment when life is full of worries is when stress, headaches and discomfort appear, and all this is reflected in the quality of rest and in the dreams themselves.

Dreams can be a perfect way to channel these emotions. Fears and problems are represented by dream images that almost all of us share equally.

Emotional health thus finds its particular stage in these nocturnal moments, when we are submerged in unconsciousness. Fears look us face to face or appear disguised in metaphorical figures.

Explanation to the most recurrent dreams

It is difficult to explain precisely what a dream means to each person. For this, it would be necessary to analyze each case in particular. The scientific literature provides certain general theories about what each dream might suggest, but these are not exhaustive conclusions.

The following explanations are general in nature, but do not apply to all people equally. If you have dreams that you would like to be able to interpret to improve your quality of life from an emotional or affective point of view, it is always best to consult a psychology professional.

1. Dream that we are persecuted

Has it ever happened to you? It is one of the most common dreams. To be walking down a street or through a familiar scene and feel the presence of someone behind. It does not have to be a person, sometimes it can be an animal, and even an indeterminate presence.

In theory, the explanation is given by the fear of facing something in the life of each individual. Or something that you are hiding and that you do not dare to say. It is possible that you want to demand something of your boss, or that there is something that you should say to your partner that you do not dare to reveal yet.

2. Dreaming that we fall

It is another of the most recurring dreams. Sometimes it is very brief, and it even causes us to wake up sweating and with shortness of breath. We walk and suddenly we fall off a cliff, or a void appears under our feet. What does it mean?

Dream of falling into the void

These dreams could be linked to a stressful situation. The nerves are on the surface and the body reacts. If this happens to you very often, it could be useful to face that you must change something in your life to feel better. Therapy with a professional is highly recommended, as in the other cases on this list.

3. Dream that we are trapped

Without knowing how, we find ourselves locked in a small, suffocating place. We cannot find the exit and we are short of breath, we feel rapid heartbeat, exhaustion and fear.

If this has ever happened to you, stop and ask yourself a question: when you had these kinds of dreams, did you have some kind of problem that worried you a lot?  It could happen that these kinds of worries catch us with their pressure ‘suffocating’ us.

4. Dreaming that we leave the house naked or that our teeth fall out

These types of dreams could speak of a lack of attention, low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in ourselves at some point. These dreams in which suddenly and without knowing why, we leave the house without clothes are related to this type of realities.

The same goes for the appearance of the teeth. To be talking in front of someone and suddenly see how we drop them. It is possible that when you dreamed this, you felt vulnerable because of something that happened in your life. An article by HS Darlington from 1942 relates these dreams to the loss of a loved one.

Dream of being naked

5. Dreaming of natural disasters

Storms, fires, intense winds capable of knocking down houses and trees… why does it happen? It is an example of anxiety, but it is possibly a fairly high state of anxiety, in which we feel fragile in front of everything around us.

These elements of nature represent a reality, what is hurting us: work, personal problems. It is perhaps the most worrying type of dream, because it is the one in which we see ourselves most fragile and vulnerable.

Did you know that dreams speak of your health? Do you usually interpret them? We encourage you to take the above explanations as a reference, as they could help you see your dreams differently. However, if you feel that there are issues you would like to resolve, consult a psychologist for professional treatment.

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