When Should You Start Planning A Wedding?

Starting to plan a wedding in advance is very important if you want a party with all the details and personalized. Each couple knows their own times and needs and the previous months depend to a great extent on that.

What they should be clear about is that you have to have specific people for the organization. You must also define the budget that will be available for it and divide the tasks. Likewise, the best thing is that, in all the most relevant decisions, both participate.

Start planning a wedding much earlier: save money

If you have already decided to get married, the ideal is to find the date twelve months in advance. It may seem like a long time to you, however, with the preparations it passes very quickly.

This allows them to be able to compare providers for everything and save a lot of money to spend on other things. Visiting all the internet pages and making contracts through promotions is another benefit.

In addition, you will be surprised to know that there are salons that have all their dates contracted for many months. If you have fallen in love with a place, there will be no problem waiting to celebrate that magical party there.

How to start planning a wedding? Periodic distribution

12 months before

Decide the type of wedding you want to have and start visiting churches and salons to choose the ones that you like the most. It is a task to carry out together, as it is the beginning of everything to come.

They must request the date in the civil registry and from there make the necessary reservations in the rest of the places. It is not something you can do in one day, so do not be discouraged. They may look at many salons until they find the one they are comfortable with.

9 months before

It’s time to get together and make your first wedding guest list. One piece of advice is that each of you build your own and then cross them to begin polishing. It is better if a direct relative also contributes to this task, to avoid forgetting that can be painful for someone.

Wedding dresses are also among the first points when starting to plan a wedding. Therefore, it  is opportune to start consulting dressmakers, looking at models and consulting costs. In some cases, it takes a long time to prepare or you have to be on a waiting list.

6 months before

Adjust the guest list and try to agree on the final one to select the design of the invitations. Depending on the type of wedding you are going to have or the season of the year, you can make themed cards.

They can think about the honeymoon and inquire about the different destinations to have another task ready for the preparations. They can use agencies with their special packages for the bride and groom or book separately. Choosing a destination that you both like is important so as not to argue in the future.

If the salon does not offer photography and video services, you have to look for and reserve professionals. It is a good idea to get together to see your current work and check that it has the quality and art you are looking for.

4 months before

Now is the time to organize all the documentation that you need to present at the civil ceremony and at the church. Some procedures take longer than expected, so you have to do them to avoid inconvenience. For religious ceremonies it is usually necessary to take a special course with a certificate that approves it.

It’s time to send out the invitations now so everyone can get ready and confirm their presence. If cards are turned in too late, friends may already have other commitments.

During this period, they must also select the persons who will act as witnesses to their liaison. Bridesmaids should also be proposed to begin their own preparations.

3 months before

They are already beginning to feel that the wedding is approaching and there is much to be defined. Do not lose control. Go to hire professionals for makeup and hairstyle. They can even set a test date for later.

You also have to look for the groom’s suit ; there is the possibility of buying one already made or ordering it to measure. Similarly, there will be another test near the date.

If you have not yet chosen the alliances, you have to choose them and ask them to engrave them with the wedding date. With regard to this issue, it is also time to define who is responsible for bringing alliances to the altar.

2 months before

The time has come for the wedding to start looking more real. All tests begin in this period : menu, dresses, decorations and alliances.

It is time to find all the ideas to make at home or buy the decorative elements that combine with the style of the bride and groom and the living room. In addition, you should  think about what will be the gift that will be delivered to the guests.

In the last month

The soundtrack already has to be defined with the DJ. The guests are confirmed and the tables are organized to send it to the person in charge of the room. All contracted services must be reconfirmed and the last tests performed.

To end

The wedding is organized and you have to try to relax so as not to arrive on that day with stress on your back. If something has been forgotten or a mishap arises, a few days remain to find a solution.

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