What To Do With The Excess Skin That Remains When Losing Weight?

Toning the muscles through appropriate exercises, always under the supervision of a professional, to avoid injuries, is essential to reposition the excess skin that remains when we lose weight.

You have done a lot of exercise and have changed your diet  for a healthier one.  Now you have achieved that body that you wanted so much, but you realize that you do not know what to do with the excess skin that remains when you lose weight.

On many occasions the body has to deal with this situation that is not very pleasant to look at. This happens because, although the skin has elasticity, it cannot shrink as quickly when weight loss occurs, especially when the process has occurred very quickly.

Think of a balloon filled with air. If you inflate and empty it instantly several times, the balloon walls lose elasticity and firmness. You see it? Something similar happens with the human body. 

If this is your case, don’t worry. There are cares that will help you avoid and reduce the resulting flaccidity as much as possible.

Keep taking care of your diet

Protein foods

One of the most important steps to reduce excess skin is to balance your diet.

Dermatologists suggest increasing your consumption of red and orange fruits and vegetables . These foods are rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient for the beauty of the skin, as it stimulates the synthesis of collagen. This is stated in an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

We can find vitamin C in foods such as carrots, tangerines or oranges. An easy way to add it is to include it in daily menus and grate carrots in salads.

Another product that can help combat sagging is gelatin . Gelatin also stimulates collagen synthesis, according to research published in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design .

However, since there are common gelatins that do not provide us with the necessary amounts, you can find this protein in various forms at any pharmacy. It also doesn’t hurt to consult a dermatologist to suggest a collagen treatment.

Treatments in dermatological clinics to remove excess skin

Nowadays, treatments are available in dermatology clinics that help a lot in the control of excess skin that remains when losing weight.

For example, carboxytherapy is an aesthetic treatment made with injections of carbon dioxide into the inner layers of the skin. This gas stimulates blood circulation and collagen production, leaving the skin smoother and firmer.

There are also treatments that include small electrodes that are placed on the skin and that, with small discharges, enrich the muscles.

These two combined treatments begin to give results from the third session and must be carried out on a weekly or biweekly basis.

Other cosmetic procedures used to treat sagging skin are:

  • The  chemical peel .
  • Radio frequency.
  • The application of hyaluronic acid.

Don’t stop exercising

Exercises to eliminate chaps

A sedentary lifestyle is the number one enemy of health. Hence, e Squirting is also essential to combat excess skin and extremely important to keep your muscles firm and in place.

So, you need to put laziness aside and choose a sporting activity so that you can start practicing as soon as possible.

  • If so far you have already incorporated physical activity into your routine, do not leave it when you reach your goal .
  • If you get tired of doing the same activity, try other options and challenge yourself each time.
  • Just going for a walk bores you? So, get ready to run a marathon!
  • Does the exercise bike already have you bored? Go mountain biking. Don’t make excuses to stop!

Dancing, running, and water gymnastics are three other physical activity options you can do to keep your body “in place.”

You can also practice localized exercises to decrease sagging in specific parts of the body, such as the buttocks and legs.

Choose the options that are most convenient for you and replace the excess skin that remains from losing weight.

Take advantage of the benefits of anti-sagging creams

Regardless of where the sagging is located, it has to do with the dermis, as this is where the collagen fibers and elastic fibers are located. In addition, it also has to do, depending on the case, with the muscles.

You will find creams that provide collagen and other elements that help the skin from inside. However, most of these products do not reach the deep end.

To get the desired results, look for a transdermal gel. Most of these products require a prescription because their absorption is complete by the body. Some of these gels work better or worse, depending on the hormonal factors of the user.



The last resort to get rid of excess skin that remains from losing weight is cosmetic surgery. Through this procedure you can remove all the skin that causes you discomfort.  Just keep in mind:

  • Go to a certified plastic surgeon and make sure their data, permits and ID are real.
  • Don’t skimp. If you are going to perform this procedure, do not decide only for the cheapest. Evaluate the options and choose the professional and the procedure that offers the best results.
  • Take the correct precautions. Follow every indication of your doctor and never ignore them. Although it may seem like a simple procedure, some care is always required.

Improve your routines to remove excess skin after losing weight

You see that with a good diet, physical exercises and aesthetic care, surgery is often not necessary. So, start adopting a healthier lifestyle so you can see its benefits!

In the event that you need surgery, do not forget that a professional accompaniment in the area is very important, who is available to solve any inconvenience with you.

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