What Is Couperose?

Couperose as such is not considered a disease, but mainly an aesthetic problem. Despite this, it is important to consult a dermatologist because in some cases it is the first phase of a more serious problem, such as rosacea.

Couperose is a dermatological condition characterized by the appearance of reddened areas on the skin, mainly caused by changes in temperature. It is not considered a disease, but an aesthetic problem, but if it is not treated properly it can lead to more serious problems.

It is normal for there to be facial redness in some circumstances, especially during the winter, due to the cold. However, if these redness become permanent and increase over time, then we speak of couperose.

Couperose affects more women than men and is due to both external and internal causes. It is also more common in those who have white or pale skin, fine texture and sensitive, which reddens easily. It is important to diagnose this problem early to give it the proper treatment.


Couperosis is a vascular anomaly that manifests itself mainly in the venules and arterioles, which have very little elasticity. If the circulation increases sharply, for some reason, redness appears on the skin and remains, precisely because the blood vessels are not elastic and it takes a lot for them to return to their normal state.

The most common is that reddened areas appear on the cheeks , chin or nose, but can also appear anywhere on the face or décolleté. All people can present this type of redness, but they are usually temporary. When they are not, we speak of couperose.

Couperose has two phases. In the first there is only redness in some areas of the face or décolleté, which at first disappear quickly. Little by little they become permanent. In the second phase, telangiectasias appear , which are also known as “spider veins”.

Telangiectasias appear as a small central redness from which lines appear that look like long, thin legs. They are red or slightly purple in color and are a sign of the presence of couperose.

Origins of couperose

This anomaly is due to the lack of elasticity of the blood vessels. When some factor causes the small vessels to dilate, they remain dilated and cannot contract again. Then they become more visible through the skin and this is the reason why the reddened area appears.

The factors that can lead to dilation of these small vessels can be the following:

  • Sudden changes in temperature.
  • Climatic factors, such as excessive wind.
  • Bumps or small trauma to the skin.
  • The consumption of tobacco.
  • Ingesting alcohol in high volume.
  • Application of irritating products on the face.
  • Exposing yourself to the sun or UV lamps.
  • States of stress or anxiety.
  • Very spicy, spicy or very hot foods.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Hypertension or diabetes.
  • Use of corticosteroid medications.

The exact cause for which couperose occurs is unknown. However, genetics are known to have a great influence. It is usual for this anomaly to appear in people whose parents have also presented it.

Data to take into account

The main manifestation of couperose is the appearance of redness and telangiectases. Only on some occasions are these accompanied by burning or pain in the area. In some cases, couperose constitutes the first phase of a dermatological disease known as rosacea, especially if it is accompanied by pimples and / or pustules.

It must also be said that there are many people who do not pass the first phase, where there is only redness and telangiectasia. In any case, when the initial manifestations appear, it is advisable to go to the dermatologist, since everything is more controllable if treatment is started early.

In dermatological problems, prevention is usually more effective than any type of treatment. As the cause of couperose is unknown, what is indicated is simply to carry out a daily skin care routine, with the appropriate products for the skin type, and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

Once the abnormality occurs, treatment will depend on its severity. In general, creams are used to reduce blood flow to the affected area. Sometimes antibiotics are used, although the ideal treatment is the vascular laser.

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