What Are The Healthiest Poultry Meats To Eat?

Poultry is a rich and healthy food source, has a low percentage of fat and is easy to digest. Find out which ones to consume regularly.

Poultry is one of the largest and most varied food groups. They are essential for the body because they provide proteins, vitamins, mainly B12, and mineral salts.

This type of meat is highly recommended, unlike others from different animals. For example, various studies have shown that Processed red meats contain high carcinogenic components. Therefore, it is vital to properly select the type of meat that we integrate into our diet.

Poultry is a rich and healthy food source, has a low percentage of fat and is easy to digest. For this reason, we will give you a list of the healthiest ones so that you can select the ideal one and accommodate it to your lifestyle and, incidentally, provide well-being to your body.

1. Chicken meat

chicken on the Optavia diet

Without a doubt, it is the queen of poultry and one of the most popular and recommended by nutrition experts. Studies have shown that l Chicken meat is low in fat and high in high-quality protein .

In addition, it provides essential minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, cobalt and vitamins, B6 and B12. For all this, chicken meat has been shown to protect the nervous system and help tissue repair.

On the other hand, another of its benefits is that it helps to strengthen the immune system, which is why it is highly recommended to cure the flu and promote the production of red blood cells. Besides, he Chicken meat is quite inexpensive, making it accessible to almost all pockets or budgets. The great advantage is that it can be prepared in different ways and you will not get tired of consuming it.

For use in the diet, it is best to cook the chicken on the grill and remove the skin, which is where the main percentage of fat in this meat is found. You can accompany the chicken with steamed vegetables or with any salad of your choice.

2. Turkey meat

Turkey is another of the healthiest poultry meats we can eat. It stands out for its high protein content and low fat level. Indeed, 100 grams of this meat only contains 158 calories and a surprising 34 grams of protein .

Similarly, it provides us with vitamins B3 and B6 and contains folic acid. Additionally, due to its high percentage of water, turkey meat helps hydrate the skin.

To cook it, the ideal is to do it in parts to better preserve the flavors and choose the leanest areas.  You will not have to complicate much to include turkey in your diet. The simplest option is to take advantage of its ham in your sandwiches.

On the other hand, turkey meat may not be as inexpensive as chicken meat, but its benefits make the investment worthwhile.  Try to include turkey meat in your daily diet, do not leave it alone for the end of the year festivities. Take advantage of all its nutrients.

3. Duck meat

Peach and duck meat recipe

Duck meat is another delicious poultry meat option with which you can take care of your health. It is characterized by having one of the lowest levels of fat and being a lean meat that provides a large amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins What:

  • Iron.
  • Match.
  • Niacin.
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin.
  • Vitamin B and B12.
  • Zinc. This nutrient is essential to ensure testosterone production, according to a study published in Metabolism .

The properties of the duck help the body to properly synthesize vitamins and minerals, strengthen the immune system and repair cells . To consume duck meat and not raise cholesterol levels in the body, the ideal is to remove all the skin and the grease . Among the healthiest recipes, is the duck with balsamic vinegar seasoned with honey.

Include poultry in your diet

As you can see, poultry meats are extremely rich and beneficial for health. They provide us with high-quality proteins and essential amino acids, so you must include them in your diet. To avoid getting bored, you can distribute the different types throughout the week.

Remember that when planning a balanced and healthy diet, it is essential to guarantee the presence of fresh food. In this sense, white meats are capable of providing added value to the dietary guideline. Try to eat them grilled or baked, since the fried foods tarnish their qualities. In addition, avoid the use of sauces as much as possible, especially in the case of those that contain sugar. This will ensure an adequate body composition.

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