Ways To Improve Metabolism

The metabolism serves to transform the food and beverages that we take into energy. But what is the secret to losing weight with less effort? Among the methods they recommend is improving the body’s metabolism.

Some indicators, such as the basal metabolic rate, tell us the percentage of calories that the body needs. All this according to the daily activity we carry out. Are you interested in knowing more about it? Then do not stop reading everything we are going to tell you.

1. Do aerobic exercises

Calves worked with step.

If we practice a minimum of 30-40 minutes of exercise a day, we will improve metabolism.

Exercise can consist of brisk walking, running, swimming, or doing any other exercise or sport. With this we will burn calories and prevent weight gain. However, when we always do the same type of aerobic exercise, the body adapts to the effort. So it is recommended to vary the type of activity.

If you always do the same, the body adapts to the effort, and the metabolism will not increase.

2. Do dynamic activities

Having hobbies that involve physical movement will help improve metabolism, but you don’t have to think exclusively about the fitness world .

Some activities, such as gardening, using the stairs instead of the elevator, standing up when we talk on the phone and parking the car far from the destination, are clear examples of dynamic activities that help us avoid sedentary lifestyle and stay active.

Every day there are many little things we can do to improve metabolism. Which ones are you putting into practice and which ones are you not yet?

3. Work on physical resistance

A training with weights or other gym resistance machinery, for two, three or four times a week, will be ideal to increase muscle mass, stay active and, to some extent, improve metabolism.

As a recent study indicates, it should be clear that “the development of strength is optimized through few repetitions and high resistance, it is usually the goal of trained people; while muscular endurance is optimized through low resistance and a high number of repetitions ”.

4. Have a good breakfast

11 ingredients for a healthy breakfast.

A full breakfast activates the metabolism at the beginning of each new day. The metabolic rate decreases during the night, after you have not eaten any food for several hours.

The body’s cells need to be replaced by food or they will adapt to survive with less fat storage preventing future deprivation.

5. Eat several meals a day

Although it is the most essential, breakfast is not the only meal important to have a healthy metabolism.

The metabolism works much better if we eat several small meals a day.

Eat small portions, allowing two to four hours between meals throughout the day to help regulate your blood and stimulate your metabolism to work at a higher rate.

When we skip a meal, the metabolic thermostat stops working in order to conserve the remaining energy.

6. Eat healthy foods regularly

You have to eat a nutritious diet that includes plenty of fiber and little sugar to improve your metabolism.

A good diet includes:

  • Tomatoes
  • Fish
  • Blueberries
  • Whole grains
  • Green leafy vegetables

By taking sugar, we turn on a metabolic switch as a way to store fat.

High blood sugar levels, in addition to increasing insulin, send the body the order to store energy that we do not use in the form of fat. Some spicy foods, such as chili, can increase the metabolic rate.

7. Prioritize water consumption

Between two liters and two and a half liters. This would be the measure of liquid that we must ingest every day, within an active lifestyle. That can help boost your metabolism.

Although this is still debated in the scientific field, it is said that cold water is much better, because it causes the body to burn more calories by having to work to adapt it to the temperature of the body.

8. Get enough sleep each night

When you don’t get enough sleep, you can feel hungry even when you’re full.

Lack of sleep can lead to overeating, compromising the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates sufficiently. The consequence can be weight gain, and difficulty losing it.

According to studies, most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

9. Give coconut oil a try

The benefits of coconut oil are becoming more widely known. For this reason, there are those who consider that, if from time to time we replace the usual cooking oil with coconut oil, we will help the body burn fat more quickly.

The best part is that these fats are easily digested and manage to stimulate the metabolism to  burn up to three times more calories than other oils during six hours from the last meal.

7. Increase protein intake

Proteins of plant origin

By slightly increasing the amount of protein we eat in a balanced diet, the body will be better prepared to promote muscle building. This, together with a healthy lifestyle in which we perform aerobic exercises, will help us achieve the figure we want.

When we speak of quality proteins we refer to those that respond to the needs of the body. Thus, those with high levels of amino acids, such as meat or fish, are a good option in any diet.

For this reason, lean meats and, above all, eggs, are an important source of protein to increase muscle mass.

Ready to start taking better care of yourself? On the other hand, remember that you can always solve all your doubts with the doctor or your trusted nutritionist.

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