Vitamins That Will Help You Treat Acid Reflux

Although it is essential to consult a specialist if you have acid reflux, following a balanced diet that provides vitamins can help you combat it.

According to results obtained from various studies, people who eat more fruit and vegetables experience fewer reflux symptoms than those that do not. Along these lines, there is a diverse variety of vitamins for acid reflux. 

Of course, taking doses higher than those recommended can be counterproductive and cause harmful side effects. Learn which ones will help relieve acid reflux below.

Vitamins to relieve acid reflux

With prior medical approval, we tell you which are the best vitamins to alleviate this problem. But do not resort to them without first consulting your doctor. Take aim!

Vitamin B

According to a study carried out in 2006 by the specialist Ricardo de Souza Pereira , vitamin B may help relieve acid reflux.

The researchers divided the participants into two groups, with one group taking a supplement that contained the following:

  • Vitamin B6.
  • L-Tryptophan.
  • Methionine
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
  • Betaine
  • B12 vitamin.
  • Melatonin

Instead, people in the opposite group took a treatment with omeprazole, one of the most popular for treating acid reflux.

The first group reported that several of their symptoms faded after about 40 days. This means that 100% of the people who took the vitamin B supplement experienced relief without any adverse side effects.

On the other hand, only 65% ​​of people on omeprazole improved during the same period.

However, it must be said that for this study a supplement that included group B vitamins was used. That is, it was not shown whether these vitamins alone would be as effective as the combination.

Vitamins A, C and E for acid reflux

Research endorsed by several Croatian universities in 2012 evaluated the effects of antioxidant vitamins in gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD, an advanced form of acid reflux), Barrett’s esophagus and tumors of the esophagus .

The results showed that those who consumed vitamins A, C and E through fruits, vegetables and vitamin supplements managed to reduce  the effects produced by the complications of gastroesophageal reflux.

For this reason, if you consume more fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins A , C and E you will experience considerable relief and, of course, your quality of life will also improve.

Risks to be aware of

There is little chance that you will get excess vitamins c When you consume them through food. But e This is not the case when you take supplements; since with them you can consume a daily amount higher than recommended.

Note that t omar high doses of vitamins produce unwanted effects. For example, if you consume too much vitamin A you can get nausea, headache (headache) or joint pain. In addition, the body is able to store excessive amounts of this vitamin; so these side effects appear unexpectedly.

Consuming more than necessary can also increase the risk of other conditions. Therefore, h Talk to your doctor about the right dose for you. He will explain how to incorporate the necessary additional vitamins into your daily routine, and will tell you how to adjust the amounts you consume so far.

Are there other options to combat acid reflux?

The best way to start fighting gastroesophageal reflux is with a change in lifestyle, eating healthier meals. But there are also a number of aspects that should be taken into account:

  • E l overweight or eat unhealthy foods can often cause adverse effects when attempting to treat acid reflux .
  • Excess weight is capable of damaging and damaging the esophageal sphincter.
  • Fried or fatty foods and spicy foods, meanwhile, tend to relax the lower esophageal sphincter and increase stomach acid.

Eat a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables. This can help you treat acid reflux, as well as lead to weight loss, decrease heartburn, and provide antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients that are essential for keeping you healthy.

Mediterranean diet

Also, as the American College of Gastroenterology indicates, don’t forget to make lifestyle changes to help relieve symptoms:

  • Elevate the head of the bed.
  • Avoid large meals before going to bed.
  • Reduce stress levels.
  • Exercise little by little several times a week.
  • Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight.

Remember that if you experience acid reflux periodically, with these changes you can alleviate the condition. However, if the symptoms persist, consult a trusted doctor.

Consult a specialist before taking vitamins for acid reflux

While vitamins are not a treatment for acid reflux; the ones mentioned in this article can help you with that.

Follow a healthy, balanced diet to get the vitamins you need. And yes If you want to consume a vitamin supplement, it is better that you discuss it with your doctor so that he can give you precise instructions on how you can do it and what would be the best option.

You may have a better quality of life and more chance of success if you combine the doctor’s instructions with a correct diet and lifestyle. Yes, no make drastic changes to your diet or take supplements without first consulting them: the specialist is the only one who will be able to tell you the amount of vitamins the body needs.

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