Types Of Back Pain

All types of back pain can be very upsetting and disabling. Today, almost all people suffer from this problem at some point in their life. It is best to prevent this from happening with a healthy lifestyle.

There are various types of back pain and all of them are very common throughout the world. Sometimes they appear suddenly, after feeling a twinge, and other times they are there constantly and gradually increase.

Of all the types of back pain, the most common is the one that occurs in the lower area and is known as low back pain . It is estimated that between 60% and 80% of the world’s population will experience at least one episode of these in their lifetime and that is why it is called the evil of the century .

What are the causes of back pain?

Back pain has many causes ranging from stress to sports injuries. However, the most common is that it is caused by poor postural hygiene or lifting weights in an inappropriate way.

Nowadays, many people sit for several hours in front of a computer or driving the car. If, in addition to this, they also adopt an incorrect posture in the chair, sooner or later they will develop back pain.

Prolonged standing or leaning will have a similar effect. Likewise, stress causes muscles to remain tense and contracted, which favors pain. Sudden movements, lifting heavy weights or overdoing it are factors that also lead to back pain.

It is very important to sleep in proper conditions, since the wrong pillow or mattress also affects the back. Osteoarthritis, pregnancy, being overweight or abnormalities in the structure of the spine are underlying causes.

Back pain at work.

Types of back pain according to the affected area

The typical way to classify the types of back pain is according to the area they affect. From this point of view, there are three clinical presentation modalities: cervical pain, low back pain and back pain. Let’s see each one of them.

Neck pain

The neck pain is pain in the neck or neck pain. Most often it is caused by injury, muscle overload or stress. Sometimes the pain is localized only to the neck and other times it radiates to the arms, head, or back.

This is one of the most common types of back pain and is usually accompanied by headache, stiffness, difficulty in mobilizing the area, and dizziness. In most cases neck pain is not serious and resolves in a few days.

Lumbar pain

This is the most common of all types of back pain, as we noted at the beginning. The discomfort is felt in the lower zone and can become disabling. Those who have suffered from low back pain are at high risk of experiencing it again.

The most common is that it is produced by sudden or sudden movements (even an intense sneeze); also for staying a long time in the same position. It can be the effect of osteoarthritis, herniated disc, ankylosing spondylitis, an infection or a tumor.

Chest pain

Chest pain or back pain is the least common of all types of back pain. It is felt from the middle of the torso to the base of the neck and can be structural or functional. The first way has to do with the anatomy of each person and the second with the activities that are carried out or the psychological state.

The main causes are staying in the same position for a long time, injuries, degenerative or rheumatological diseases and stress. Pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause also cause this discomfort. Sometimes this pain is a sign of cardiovascular, lung, or other problems.

Types of back pain according to its duration

Another way to classify the types of back pain is according to their duration. From that point of view there are acute and chronic complaints. In this case, it does not matter in which area of ​​the back the pain occurs. Let’s see.


Acute back pain is short-lived, meaning it goes away in a short time. Sometimes it only lasts for a few days and other times it lasts for a few weeks. The discomfort can be mild or severe and affect mobility or not. The characteristic sign, in any case, is that it remits alone.


Chronic back pain is referred to when it lasts for more than three months. The most common is that it is progressive, that is, that it increases as the weeks go by. It is not one of the most common types and has many causes. It must be treated by a specialist.

Risk factor’s

The main risk factor for all types of back pain is age. Although, in fact, this type of discomfort occurs at any stage of life, it is definitely more frequent in people over 40 years of age.

Improper habits also increase the risk of back pain. These include lack of physical activity, smoking, and poor postural hygiene. It is important to learn to lift the weights correctly. Arthritis, obesity, cancer, pregnancy, and stress are also risk factors.

Back pain in an elderly man.

Tips to prevent back pain

The best way to combat back pain is by adopting proper habits. The first of these is to do physical activities that strengthen this part of the body, such as stretching and yoga. Likewise, avoid being sedentary and taking active breaks so as not to maintain the same posture for a long time.

Good postural hygiene helps a lot. The best thing to do is to sit with your back straight, supported by the chair and with your feet touching the floor. The head should be upright and, if possible, the knees should be higher than the hips.

To lift something heavy, it is appropriate to bend your knees and not your back, which must remain straight. It is important to control body weight and take enough calcium, so that bone pathologies are prevented.

What to do when there is already a type of back pain?

There is a myth that resting and staying still is the best thing to do when back pain arises. That’s not true. In fact, it can aggravate symptoms. Although you should not do any heavy activity, bed rest is not advisable.

The so-called ergonomic chairs or special beds do not seem to help by themselves to avoid back pain. There are also no miracle products to treat this annoyance. Ultimately, it is best to stay active and avoid risky positions or movements. Pain lasting more than three months should be a reason for medical consultation.

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