Treatment With Clay And Coconut Oil To Revitalize Hair

The mixture of clay with coconut oil results in a revitalizing treatment to repair damaged hair. Still you have not tried? Find out how to prepare it in these simple steps.

The constant use of chemicals, sun exposure, pollution and a wide variety of external factors, has increased the need for treatments to revitalize hair. Although hair health also depends on nutrition and lifestyle, repair products have become a solution for problems such as dryness and breakage of the ends.

Fortunately, in addition to the conventional alternatives on the market, there are several options of natural origin whose regular application offers good results. Have you already tried the clay and coconut oil treatment? We tell you how to do it.

Clay and coconut oil to revitalize hair

Both clay and coconut oil contain nutrients that are beneficial for hair health. In fact, these products have become the basis for the manufacture of various cosmetic products, the purpose of which is to restore vitality and shine to the hair.

Of course, its properties can also be used in its natural state, since both ingredients are easy to acquire and can be combined in the same treatment. Do you know its benefits? We review them in detail below.

Coconut oil

Clay for hair health

Clay is a natural ingredient that has become popular as a cosmetic treatment for skin and hair . According to a study by International Geology Review , this ingredient stands out for its interesting concentration of smectites and the minerals of the kaolin group, responsible for removing oils, secretions, toxins and contaminants from the scalp and skin.

It also contains potassium, boron, sulfur, calcium and other elements whose assimilation contributes to improving skin and capillary health. In the case of hair, clay is said to help restore keratin that is lost due to environmental stresses.

Coconut oil benefits to revitalize hair

Coconut oil is one of the most widely used natural cosmetics today. This is due to the benefits it provides to maintain good skin health, since, as stated in a Journal of Cosmetic Science publication , this product is quickly absorbed into the hair and scalp and favors the maintenance of hair protein. , which helps to keep it stronger.

On the other hand, according to the US Department of Agriculture , it is estimated that 50% of its composition is lauric acid, a component that has antifungal and antibacterial properties, ideal for preventing infections on the scalp. In addition, its fatty acids help regulate the pH of the scalp, avoiding problems such as excess dryness or excessive oil production. Therefore, it is considered suitable for all types of hair.

Happy woman with sno hair

How to use clay and coconut oil to revitalize hair

To revitalize the hair with these natural products, you can prepare a very simple home treatment. Although there are several options available on the market to nourish and hydrate hair, doing it at home guarantees that we take advantage of all the properties of these ingredients. Therefore, we invite you to put the following steps into practice. Don’t stop trying it!


  • 2 tablespoons of white clay (30 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (40 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil (20 ml, optional).


  • First, pour the white clay into a deep bowl.
  • Then, add the coconut oil and mix to integrate the ingredients.
  • If you want, add a tablespoon of jojoba oil to enhance its properties.
  • When you get a homogeneous treatment, proceed to apply it.

How to use

  • To start, moisten your hair and part it into several strands.
  • Next, spread the treatment from the roots to the ends.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse with plenty of cold water.
  • Lastly, blow dry and style as usual.

Other tips to revitalize hair

Although these home treatments are very useful to restore vitality to the hair, it is also important to adopt certain habits that can benefit it, such as avoiding the frequent use of irons and dryers, cutting it every three months, not grabbing it when it is wet, among others. In this way, dryness, hair loss and split ends can be prevented.

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