Top 10 Persuasion Tips

We may think that persuasion is a technique that only sellers use to offer us their products and services. However, being persuasive can offer us many advantages in everyday life no matter what our job is.

In this article we will tell you how to convince the other and get what you want. Anyone has the power to apply these tips and be a master of persuasion at their fingertips. If you are interested, keep reading the article to the end!

Effective persuasion techniques

First of all, you have to know that persuading is not the same as manipulating. Persuasion is a skill that many leaders have to influence others. You don’t have to be a successful businessman or politician to use the following techniques. We can all take advantage of them:

1. Look for persuasive people

The first and foremost thing is to know with whom we can put our persuasion skills into practice. If we use the techniques we must bear in mind that, in the short term, there are people more persuasive than others. How to realize? By his attitude. If they say yes to everything the other expresses, if they do not doubt the words of the interlocutor, or if they make decisions based on the advice of others.

2. Find the right moment

We cannot persuade someone in any situation. It all depends on what we want to achieve. To do this, you must find the right time to talk about the topic that interests you. Wait for the other to bring it to light, relate it to a conversation and try to “catch” that moment when the person is more receptive or open to your words.

3. Interest the other


It is very difficult to convince someone who is not interested in what you have to offer. To put your persuasion techniques into practice, you must talk about things that the other is concerned or interested in. You will know what the appropriate topic is by asking her certain questions about her life and her interests (without appearing intrusive).

4. Apply the reciprocity technique

When a person does something for another, automatically, the one who received the favor feels obliged to return it. This can also be a way to persuade someone. Offer him something so that later he feels in debt and you can ask him for something in return.

5. In persuasion, be persistent

Do not stay with the first “no” they tell you. Please try again as many times as necessary to achieve your goal. No leader has had it easy from the beginning. For example Abraham Lincoln lost eight elections before becoming the president of the United States. His persistence was such that he finally reached his goal. If it didn’t work for you the first time, change your speech for the second time and so on.

6. Take an interest in the other


We all like to talk about ourselves. That is why it is essential to know how to listen before speaking (they say that is why we have two ears and only one mouth). When you pay attention to the other’s words, a kind of bond is created that is difficult to break later:

  • If you listen to someone for a few minutes then they will be more likely to want to know something about you (remember the principle of reciprocity).
  • At that time you can take the opportunity to sell or present your product or service.

Gaining the trust of the other person is a more than important and fundamental step in persuading them. It is easier to convince him to buy something, raise your salary or even live with you. Become someone trustworthy and you will see how much profit you get from it.

7. Structure the speech for persuasion

This is a must, since you cannot remain silent in the moment of action. Have a few lines ready in advance. Do not learn them by heart, avoid looking like a robot or a child who learned the lesson. You have to show ease and at the same time strength so that the other believes in your words:

  • Talk first about the positive or the advantages of the interlocutor’s decision.
  • Of course, do not omit the negative of your proposal since denying them is synonymous with lying, and that will reduce the trust you have earned.
  • It highlights the good, accepts the bad, and explains how the former can be increased and the latter reduced.

8. To carry out persuasion: have confidence in yourself

No persuasion technique can help you if you are not confident in your words or what you have to offer. Confidence in yourself gives the feeling that you really are an expert on the subject:

  • Do not allow your voice to shake, do not hesitate, speak clearly and loudly, raise your face and keep your back straight.
  • Self-confidence is paramount. If you don’t trust yourself… who will?

9. Stand out from the rest

Originality is key to being persuasive. It is essential that you offer something that no one else has. Authenticity is also very important.

  • In these times when all speeches seem the same, you have to try to stand out.
  • Create your own brand, find a way to stand out and enhance your skills.

10. Always use common sense


In any circumstance, it can help you achieve your goals in the art of persuasion. Analyze what is happening around you and let yourself be guided by your sixth sense or your “hunch”. By using common sense, you will know when to speak and when to listen, to whom to give a longer or more limited speech, how your “input” should be to the other person, and so on.

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