Tips For Hypertension: Myths And Truths

Having high blood pressure increases your risk of heart or cerebrovascular disease. For this reason, today we talk about high blood pressure. Next we will give you some keys to hypertension, addressing the main myths that exist around it.

Keys to hypertension: what you need to know

Next we will analyze the main keys to hypertension according to the scientific evidence existing so far. If you suffer from hypertension, consult your doctor to determine the treatment that best suits your age and needs.

1. Manage stress

Truth. A study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research indicates that an increase in the level of stress would increase the risk of suffering from blood pressure.

Therefore, it would be important to find time for your body and mind to relax. You can practice yoga, meditation, or breathing techniques to relax. Take at least 15-20 minutes each day to complete these tasks.

2. Take care of your diet to prevent hypertension

Diet to reduce hypertension

Half myth. While popular wisdom holds that we should choose complex, low-glycemic carbohydrates, as well as quality proteins, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids over other foods, there is no 100% proven scientific evidence that directly links their consumption foods with a healthy and stable blood pressure.

Research published in the American Journal of Hypertension notes that after an extensive study, the only proven risk index related to diet and hypertension was an unhealthy body mass index (i.e., being overweight or obese).

However, a study from 2015 suggests that there would be a relationship between eating behaviors and the risk of high blood pressure. For example, a diet high in sodium could trigger hypertension. This information is consistent with previous research from 2013 that pointed to a possible health benefit of modifying the diet of people with hypertension.

3. Do physical exercise

Riding a bicycle

Half true. While several studies have suggested that a lack of physical activity is associated with higher blood pressure and that regular physical exercise may help reduce hypertension, further research is still needed. On this basis, it is usually recommended, in addition to exercising, to make some changes in habits, for example:

  • Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Choose gardening activities, as they are a good way to exercise.
  • Walk to work instead of on the bus.

Exercises with low to moderate aerobic activity would be more effective in lowering blood pressure than vigorous activity Also aerobic exercise would be beneficial, choose between:

  • Walk or run
  • Riding a bicycle.
  • To swim.
  • Perform aerobics.
  • Also skiing.

It is recommended to exercise, at least five days a week for 30 minutes. Start slowly and gradually increase the frequency and duration of each session.

4. Quit tobacco and alcohol

We all know that smoking and binge drinking is not the healthiest option. In fact, an old study by The Kaiser-Permanente indicated 30 years ago that 5% of cases of hypertension in the general population could be related to the consumption of three or more alcoholic beverages per day.

A recent study published in Science Daily upped the ante, ensuring that not only alcohol abuse but also so-called “moderate consumption” (between 7 and 13 alcoholic drinks per week) could increase the risk of high blood pressure.

As for tobacco, this substance could damage the walls of the blood vessels, and lead to hardening of the arteries. However, a study from 2017 pointed out that although the risk of hypertension, respiratory and heart diseases increased among smokers over 35, this was not observed in those under that age.


Although the practice of healthy habits has positive effects on the prevention and control of hypertension, it is important to evaluate each case with the doctor. It must be taken into account that the treatment of this disease may vary depending on the age and conditions of each patient.

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