This Wonderful Infusion Will Help You Get A Flatter Stomach

Adopting a healthy diet and avoiding fats and sugars is essential to reduce inflammation of the belly and achieve a suitable weight. How can sage contribute to this process?

In the quest for a flatter stomach, many women make the mistake of sticking to strict eating plans which can be quite dangerous. The desire to reduce the excess fat that accumulates in this area of ​​the body causes desperate measures to be taken, which are not always the most appropriate.

Popular “miracle” diets can have counterproductive effects on the body, as detailed in a publication in Clinical Nursing . What the professionals advise is to adopt a healthy eating plan, a moderate exercise routine and other complementary habits to achieve permanent results without sacrificing well-being.

Starting from that point, there are some complementary actions that can help in weight loss and inflammation of the belly. However, it is essential to keep in mind that none will be enough if the diet is bad or if the person falls into sedentary habits.

Next, we are going to present a natural remedy that is recommended to achieve a flat stomach. It is a natural sage drink, whose properties and nutrients would help regulate digestive function, while reducing inflammation of the belly, according to traditional medicine.

Alleged benefits of sage for a flatter stomach

Sage is a plant of Mediterranean origin that is part of the Lamiaceae family. It grows in the form of a bush, with green leaves and red, pink and white flowers.

At a medicinal level, it has been used since ancient times, since it is argued that it works as a prevention and treatment of various disorders that affect health. In fact, in many cultures it was claimed that those who consumed its leaves “acquired wisdom.”

Sage contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances,  according to a study published by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . These compounds have various functions that contribute to the overall well-being of the body.

In the following lines, we will list some of the most common health properties attributed to sage. In addition, we will see what the science says about it and its potential influence to help you achieve a flatter stomach.

Anti-inflammatory power

Anti-inflammatory power

Research published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology highlights the anti-inflammatory potential of sage leaves after topical application. In this aspect, the ursolic acid contained in the plant plays a central role.

These anti-inflammatory substances could be used to reduce the swelling that affects the abdominal area. However, it is important to note that this effect has not been scientifically proven, so the true efficacy of sage for this purpose is still unknown.

Diuretic action

A study published in 2011 by the Asian Journal of Pharmacy & Life Science states that sage acts as a natural diuretic. In this way, it could be effective in combating fluid retention that affects tissues and causes inflammation throughout the body.

Digestive qualities

The consumption of this infusion could be a good remedy against intestinal gas and several of the symptoms of gastritis, according to traditional medicine. It should be noted that, although it is a historical use of this herb, this property is still under study and has not yet been scientifically proven.

In theory, its effects would promote bowel movement, help prevent constipation, and also improve gallbladder functions. In this way, the digestive system as a whole could function better thanks to the sage.

Fight cholesterol

How to prepare the sage infusion to get a flatter stomach?

How to prepare sage infusion

The preparation of this infusion of sage is quite simple. In addition, its ingredients are easily available in herbal stores.

To the benefits of this plant are added those of cinnamon, bay leaf and lemon, which could enhance its purifying and diuretic effects, also according to traditional medicine. More research is still needed to confirm the effects of these ingredients for such purposes.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • 5 bay leaves
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • Sage leaves (1 handful).
  • 1 lemon


  • Bring the liter of water to a boil and, when it comes to a boil, add the bay leaves, cinnamon and sage.
  • Reduce the fire; leave it for an additional 5-10 minutes.
  • Allow the mixture to rest, add the lemon juice and strain before consuming it.


On the one hand, sage infusion is contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women. Research such as one published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology recommends consulting with your doctor before resorting to any herbal infusion during pregnancy.

Likewise, it is not recommended for patients with renal insufficiency or neurovegetative instability. If you suffer from these health problems, do not consume this infusion.

There are no miracles to get a flatter stomach

Keep in mind that the results of consuming this sage infusion are not immediately noticeable. These depend a lot on the other habits that are adopted to achieve a flat stomach, such as diet and exercise already mentioned.

Finally, remember that it is a supplement, and that even several of its properties have not yet been reliably proven by science. The most advisable thing, therefore, is to consult with a nutritionist to include this drink, if it considers it appropriate, within the framework of a healthy and balanced diet.

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