There Are Days When I Can Handle Everything, There Are Days When Everything Can Handle Me

Surely you remember days in which you have considered that who would send you to get out of bed. Torn days in which we have to land in a world that is colder than the unpleasant dreams with which Morpheus sometimes invades us. Days in which the steps resonate more than when you go with heels and in which luck squeezes beyond cold sweats.

Many of those days you have the intuition that they will twist before you set foot on the ground. You go to the kitchen and remember that you do not have your usual breakfast, the one that gives you energy and does not force your digestive system much. Then you have to decide between improvising or skipping directly from breakfast.

There are days when I can handle everything, there are days when everything can

The worst storm is the one that forms in our mind

This is where the first disaster begins, in the trifles, in the small. Because we are animals of customs and, in many cases, customs. You have already created that fly that has settled inside you and that also bothers your outside. Inside you it feeds a feeling of anger, of masked anxiety that you don’t really know where it came from; if it was the consequence of a “self-fulfilling prophecy” or of your stumbling in the first steps.

Outside, the bus does not arrive and the shoe begins to brush against your heel as if it were new. Today, precisely today! That’s when you start rowing against the day. You pout at him, to see if getting serious he decides to change his attitude. The bad thing is that the day, in reality, is nobody, and those who receive the crooked gestures and the broken and distant words are those who surround you. Those people you need and who need you.

Reflect on what a horrible day really is

Let’s stop talking about trifles. Missing breakfast, being tortured by a shoe or falling in a flood are not really the protagonists of a horrible day. Perhaps from a mirage, yes, but not from a horrible day. Yes from a bad day.

A horrible day is a day when you get fired from your job when you have a family that depends on you, when you get run over and end up in a hospital, when you are informed that your child has had an accident, etc. We could go on, but we think we have already understood each other.

Self-esteem problems often greatly affect the quality of life.

These days are the days when the world really cracks, when you really feel like you’ve been thrown over the edge of a cliff and pushed hard. Those in which you see the ground approaching hopelessly. Thus, the first thing we have to do to get out of a bad day is to call things by their name.

Why? Because meanings, both in our mind and in the vehicle of our words, are important. Not surprisingly, what we paint in the mirror will be what we see as a reflection when we look at it.

Get out of a bad day

Technology can give us several ideas to get out of a bad day. Think, what do you do with your computer when it freezes? The most advanced are sure trying to find what is tripping the processor. While most mortals restart it with a certain air of helplessness.

We also announce aloud a decision that makes us very lazy: “I should delete things so that the computer would have more space.” Let’s think that for this selective deletion we have no choice but to put a little order in the organization of our files.

Well, let’s get to work with our mind! It is time to reorganize the day so that we simulate that we get up again. It is better to create inertia and be in favor of what happens than to be all the time facing what is happening.

In life, as in the sea, air is always blowing and sailors know that time spent setting the sails is rarely wasted time.

Bad days dissolve


Bad days can’t stand our making peace with ourselves. They live thanks to the confrontation, to the fly of which we spoke at the beginning. Okay, now you are surely wondering, how do we achieve that peace in the midst of a pitched battle? A good idea is to find an activity that we can flow with.

And what is flow? Well, it is a concept that is very fashionable in psychology and that alludes to that state that invades us when we engage in an activity that completely absorbs our attention. The activities with which we flow are our own for each one. There are people who like repetitive processes and others who prefer creative ones.

If you look at your past we are sure that you will find some. Again, it is about breaking the thread to disengage from the black hole that attracts you, so that you can propel yourself again without forces that hold you back or bother you. Give it a try, the bad days are sure to come to pass, and a ready day is a great day!


In conclusion, to face bad days we must attend to our emotions, what is causing this discomfort. In this way, we must acquire an adequate capacity for observation to have enough ability to distance ourselves from the situation and see things objectively. Therefore, stop, analyze, breathe and learn to act appropriately to get out of these types of situations: flow despite the discomfort.

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