The Practice Of The Candle To Sleep And Rest Better

Whether it is difficult for you to fall asleep or if you wake up at dawn or if you sleep enough hours but wake up tired, we propose a simple and natural way to achieve rest. Discover in this article how to perform the amazing practice of the candle to sleep like never before. 

Better sleep without pills

There are many people who need to take drugs, natural pills, or other remedies to get a good night’s sleep and a good night’s rest. Any detail can disturb their sleep: noise, light, food at dinner, stress, etc. If they can’t disconnect before bed, they no longer get a good night’s sleep.

For this reason, it is essential to avoid sleep disorders in time. The best way to do this is by educating the body to disconnect from the whole day and prepare to rest.

It is not something that is achieved in a simple way. However, when we succeed, we will avoid depending on any type of medication and we will notice how we wake up with more energy and good humor.

How do we disconnect?

How we disconnect

If we take into account that dinner is going to become, almost entirely, in reserve, it can be said that most people eat late or too much.

This is the first thing we must assess, since it will greatly influence rest. A light dinner is the best option ; thus, we may have finished digestion at bedtime.

Second, technology; television, mobile phones, computers … Everything has a negative influence on the nervous system and keeps us too active at a time when we should already be calming our minds and placing ourselves in a quieter and darker place.

In ancient times, this happened naturally, as the cycle of the sun and the body’s natural biorhythms were followed. Today, on the contrary, we have to seek this rhythm as much as possible.

Silence and low light

We do not need to lock ourselves in the dark before going to sleep, since we must do it in a pleasant and progressive way. It is about disconnecting, inside and out.

First, you have to turn off the technological devices and choose to read, write, receive a massage, do stretching, chat for a while, play an instrument, among other relaxing actions.

Then, we must turn off the main lights and turn on a soft yellowish lamp, or a comforting Himalayan salt lamp. Thus, in a much more serene space, we will begin to prepare for sailing, which is the step prior to going to bed.

The practice of the candle to sleep better than ever

Next, we explain how we should practice sailing:

  • A while before going to sleep, we will sit in a comfortable position. It should be one in which we do not have to be aware of any discomfort or pain, since we must remain in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  • The room should be quiet and dark.  The only light will be that of a candle, which we will place right in front of us, approximately one meter away.
  • It is important to ensure that the candle is on a safe base and away from any objects.
  • Afterwards, we will look at it for a few minutes, fixedly, but without tension in our eyes, breathing calmly and paying close attention to all its details. Look at the structure, the flame, the glow, the movement, everything.
  • After a few minutes, we will close our eyes and try to visualize the candle with all the details that we saw before. We will notice that, despite having our eyes closed, we can still see its radiance.
  • During the entire practice,  we must avoid thinking about anything. At the beginning it is very difficult, but little by little we will be able to quiet the mind and concentrate only on the candle.

Start small until you feel comfortable

The first days, we will do this practice for about 10 or 15 minutes, half with eyes open and the other half with eyes closed. We can set a soft or progressive alarm to warn us, if we wish. Over time, it can be lengthened for as long as we feel comfortable.

There are people who get nervous when doing this type of practice. For them, it is recommended that they start only with a few deep breaths with their eyes closed. In no time, they will notice the difference and feel great well-being from proper rest.

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