The Importance Of Family Support During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful and complex process throughout which the mother requires a lot of support, both from her partner and from her family. Find out some recommendations in this regard.

Not many people understand the importance of family support during pregnancy. And it is that  the support provided to the mother helps her to have a good mood, something that provides great benefits to the health of the future baby.

– Hey, I think you should stop eating so much. You will be like a whale.

– Please, avoid comments that nobody has asked you. Thanks.

Yes, it seems like a harsh answer, but it is an answer that will give you peace of mind during the 9 months and even after pregnancy. The fact that a mother feels cared for and accompanied during her pregnancy, frees her from stress hormones and helps her prevent postpartum depression, as this study published in Primary Care points out .

The arrival of a new member of the family implies the creation of new bonds. Faced with this, the family grows and each member must open an emotional space for the future member,  which is why the support of all is necessary.

Phrases that pregnant women should not hear

Family support during pregnancy is vital

In addition to the overwhelming amount of feelings that being pregnant generates, women are exposed to countless negative comments from the people around them, comments that can make the future mother feel bad.

Here are some of the phrases that pregnant women should not hear:

  • Careful! If you get too fat then you won’t be able to lose weight.
  • Are you going to have it?
  • Would you have another or is it the last?
  • And what are you going to do with your work?

Negative or unconstructive comments end up affecting the health of the pregnant woman.

Hence, the baby’s too. We know that these types of comments are not always intended to hurt the expectant mother, but it is necessary to understand the importance of family support in pregnant women and how such simple things can affect you.

Father’s support is the most important

Unconditional support from the father throughout the pregnancy helps the mother to better manage mood swings, stress, and the whole experience of expecting a baby.

The hormonal changes that women go through during pregnancy can make them somewhat insecure, anxious and irritable in any situation. It is when the couple should be more united.

The woman is the one who will carry the baby in her womb for 9 months. However, the responsibility and commitment rests with both parents. What a pregnant woman requires the most from her partner is love and support. Someone who listens to her without judging the changes that she will have to experience at that stage.

Likewise, as evidenced by this research published in the Matron Profession Magazine , the accompaniment and support of the father throughout the pregnancy is beneficial to significantly promote the bond of attachment.

Family support during pregnancy is important.

What you should do as a pregnant

While ideally everyone around you understands the importance of family support during pregnancy, not everyone will.

So you must be prepared to avoid the level of concern generated by the opinions of the people around you. Given this, you must take into account the following recommendations:

  • When you have any doubts or questions about your pregnancy, don’t look to your friends and family for answers. The specialists are the only ones who will be able to tell you what to do.
  • If your family members exaggerate with their advice, you have to fix your position and ask them for respect.
  • You must understand that the role of the people around you should be that of a companion. If this is not the case, it is convenient not to have them too close to avoid them affecting you.

    Family support during pregnancy: how to provide it?

    Many times, relatives, and even the partner of the future mother, are not aware of the importance of family support during pregnancy. Sometimes they do not know the best way to face the hormonal changes that the pregnant woman has to live.

    Therefore, below, we leave you some recommendations so that you mean good company for the mother:

    • Always express how much you love her, without fear and without subtracting words from that feeling.
    • Pay attention to her when she is interested in telling you about her fears and emotions.
    • Don’t downplay issues related to the future baby.
    • Respect her personal space, especially if she wants to be alone or doesn’t feel like talking.

    Regarding family support during pregnancy …

    In short, family support during pregnancy is very significant for the mother’s mood and the health of the future baby.

    The simple act of asking Is there anything I can help you with? It will make her feel very well and protected  during this special stage for her and for everyone around her.

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