The Feng Fu Point, Stimulation With Ice To Improve Health

Proper stimulation of the Feng Fu point with ice therapy can help reduce several common ailments. We tell you in detail its benefits and applications.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the body is considered an energy system. Based on this, for centuries he has used techniques such as acupuncture, acupressure and massage to achieve energy balance and improve health. What is the Feng Fu point ?

The Chinese found that the body has different pressure points which, when stimulated, can promote well-being both physically and emotionally. The Feng Fu point is one of those points whose stimulation can be good for the body. 

This point is located exactly where the head and neck meet, and its meaning in our language is ‘palace of the wind’. To work it, an ice therapy is used, with which the person can feel more vital and full of energy.

What is the stimulation of the Feng Fu point for?

Most of us seek to improve our quality of life, prevent premature aging, have more energy and, above all, avoid pain or illness. To achieve this, it is essential to maintain a good lifestyle and avoid stress and high-risk activities. 

Now, in addition to the above, complementary therapies such as ice stimulation of the Feng Fu point can be applied . It is an ancient technique that helps balance body and mind, which in turn favors the prevention and relief of various problems that frequently afflict health.

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History of this therapy

As time passes, and with each experience that we have throughout life, we experience different types of pain ranging from head to toe. The pains can be the result of a physical injury such as cuts, burns, blows, among others.

They can also be internal, such as headaches, toothaches or gastric pain. When this symptom is recurrent, daily activities are altered and quality of life decreases. In fact, a doctor’s intervention may be necessary.

The most common treatment for pain is pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. However, depending on its cause, other medications may be necessary. In addition to this, we can try alternative medicine techniques, such as the stimulation of the Feng Fu point , which seems to be useful against ailments.

This ice therapy is derived from acupuncture. The latter employs a needle insertion method to promote wellness. However, in the case of the Feng Fu point , it is only necessary to use an ice cube.

Method to stimulate the Feng Fu point

  • Lie on your stomach and place an ice cube on the Feng Fu point , located at the base of the skull, just below the lower ridge of the skull cap, at the top of the neck.
  • Leave it there for 20 minutes, holding it with a scarf or bandage so it doesn’t slip.
  • If the ice melts prematurely, replace it with another.
  • It is important to repeat the procedure on a regular basis, with breaks of two or three days.
  • The main rule is to do it on an empty stomach and, if necessary, again before going to bed.

Once you place the ice on the Feng Fu point , you will feel the cold for only 40 seconds. After this time, you will begin to feel a slight sensation of heat that will make the therapy more pleasant.

Benefits of Feng Fu point stimulation

As with other complementary therapies, the benefits described for Feng Fu point stimulation are not supported by science and come largely from anecdotal data from those who have performed it.

It is important to take this into account, as it tells us that it is not a first-line treatment against diseases and should not be used to replace therapies or drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Therefore, we must consider its realization a simple complement to improve the quality of life and reduce certain ailments. In addition, we will bear in mind that it may or may not be effective. The benefits attributed to it are:

  • Helps improve mood and overall vitality.
  • It can contribute to the relief of headaches, neck pain and joint problems, as pointed out by research done in 2015.
  • Decreases muscle tension caused by stress.
  • It relaxes the nervous system and may help reduce symptoms of depression and fatigue.

Therapy that stimulates the Feng Fu point does not usually produce unwanted reactions. However, it is not recommended in pregnant women, people with pacemakers, and patients with epilepsy and schizophrenia. Likewise, it is advisable to consult a professional in case of having another special condition.

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