The End Of A Relationship Does Not Mean Doing Harm

Breakups are always painful, but the end of a relationship does not mean that we should hurt each other even more.

However, our emotions sometimes lead us down the path of the worst chosen words to throw at that person who, long ago, we claimed to love so much.

This is proving the opposite. Why does the end mean the fall of a mask?

At least that’s how we show ourselves when all that pain turns to rage.

The end of a relationship turns us into ogres

We are at the end of a relationship and that adorable person that we had been, has now transformed into a rather grumpy ogre.

The reasons why it has not worked can be several.

We were not as compatible as we thought, there were lies or infidelities involved, love ended, someone else has been found …

All of this is going to hurt us, but sadness is natural.

Instead,  anger and resentment will only bring us devastating consequences.

Most of the time we love to feel like we are victims of circumstances.

It is true that, if there is an infidelity, it is the other who has made a mistake, but this does not mean that we have to regret it.

The relationship is broken, it hurts, yes, but that’s it.

It is not necessary to squirm in our agony and ask “why me?”

These things happen and it is also an excellent opportunity to embark on a new path.

woman-fragmented-end of a relationship

Other times we find it necessary to put all the blame on the other person. For example, in the event that love is over.

The relationship is a thing of two and both we and our partner must have a total involvement in the bond.

No one should blame the other because the relationship could not go further.

There are things that have an end and looking to blame will not make us heal sooner.

Selfishness in breakups

The fact that we do not see things in perspective and that we behave so badly has a lot to do with what we are feeling.

The end of a relationship hurts so much that we want to convey to the other person how bad we are going through, without taking into account that she will also be having a terrible time.

It is then when we do not measure our words, we launch recriminations without being aware of what we say.

Sometimes we intentionally try to hurt another to make them feel bad.

Selfishness has taken hold of us and we are not acting as we are.

Who speaks is our anger, are our fears and our pain.

If this is the way we always have to act at the end of a relationship, it is normal that we do not understand.

Let’s understand that there are couples who are capable of being friends or of staying in contact without grudges after a breakup.

However, they have managed to close that chapter wisely.

They are couples, who have not been carried away by their emotions, which are normal, but who can also betray them if they take the lead.

Every ending is a new beginning

We tend to reject these endings and that is why we act so badly when faced with breakups. However, this is part of our life.

When we were studying secondary school, it ended so that we could access high school or a cycle.

At the moment when we were working in a company and the contract ended, we had to assume it and find another job.

How many times a friendship ended because we took different paths or went to live on the other side of the world.

Much of our day to day has an end date and we accept it.

But what happens when we have a partner?

In our unconscious we still have that princely idea that love relationships are forever.

For this reason, when we are in a couple, we venture to say “you are with whom I want to be the rest of my days.”

However, although sometimes we can reach old people together, the truth is that sometimes this does not happen like that and we should not reject this idea.

Having a fixed belief that something is forever will only cause disappointment and much more pain.

Let’s live in the moment without having expectations.

What has to be will be and, at the precise moment, when we have to go through the end of a relationship, we will know how to act in the best way to avoid drowning in pain.

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