The Bitter Truth About Splenda

Splenda is one of the most common sweeteners used today for a variety of things, from sweetening the first cup of coffee in the morning to preparing desserts.

However, this product was a source of concern for a time, due to rumors that it could cause serious diseases such as cancer.

And what happened? Where did these rumors come from? What was the hypothesis behind them? What does the National Cancer Institute say about it? Do not worry, below we will solve these and other doubts you may have about the Splenda.

For starters, what is Splenda?

According to experts at the International Food Information Council (FDA) Foundation, sucralose is a substance derived from sugar that is not digested in the same way. And in this sense they clarify the following:

Is it really sugar?

 Sucralose starts out as a sugar molecule . It is a synthetic chemical that was originally prepared in a laboratory.

In the patented five-step process for making sucralose, three molecules of chlorine are added to one molecule of sucrose or sugar. A sucrose molecule is a disaccharide, containing two individual sugars linked together: glucose and fructose.

Is Splenda sugar?

The chemical process to make sucralose alters the chemical composition of sugar, so much so that it somehow turns it into a fructogalactose molecule. This type of sugar molecule does not occur in nature and therefore the body does not have the ability to metabolize it properly .

As a result of this “unique” molecule, Splenda cannot be digested or metabolized. So, it is not that Splenda lacks calories, but that the body does not have the ability to metabolize it.

What does the National Cancer Institute say?

After analyzing the results of various investigations around Splenda, the experts concluded that it is a safe product, which is not directly related to the risk of developing cancer. In his own words:

FDA experts confirm that sucralose is safe and highlight that it is part of the list of eight low calorie sweeteners allowed in the United States.

How to determine if Splenda use is harming you?

Woman refusing sugar for her coffee.

Stop consuming it, along with other artificial sweeteners, for a period of 2 se manas. Then reintroduce it in sufficient quantity and lend pay attention to the reactions of your body.

For example, you can include it in your drink in the morning and eat at least two products that contain sucralose for the rest of the day. On this day avoid other artificial sweeteners, so that you are able to differentiate which one is causing the problem.

Do this for a period of one to three days. Take note of how your body reacts, Especially if it feels different from when you were not consuming artificial sweeteners.

If you notice something and feel restless, stop taking Splenda and consult your doctor. The professional will tell you what is the best thing you can do to improve your diet.

Are Sweeteners Good?

Even though Splenda, sugar, honey, and other sweeteners are safe and can be used to add that kick to coffee, tea, or any other preparation you want, it is extremely important to note that any excess is harmful.

Therefore, it is recommended that you always moderate your consumption of sugar and sweeteners, regardless of which one you have chosen. Once again, the famous saying makes sense: “Everything in excess is bad” . And not just because of cancer, but because of many other diseases, such as obesity.

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