The Best Foods To Reduce Wrinkles

We want to start with an important clarification: so far it has not been scientifically proven that any food provides the human body with substances that “reduce wrinkles.

That is, the appearance of wrinkles in the human body strictly obeys a natural and biological cycle that varies in each one of us depending on various factors, such as hereditary factors, the type of work we dedicate ourselves to, etc.

But especially it is due to the lifestyle that we develop. Among the most important things that we have to highlight, is the diet and the time that we dedicate to our body, either exercising or doing some type of activity that provides benefits to balance the mind, body and spirit, such as meditation or meditation. yoga, for example.

Having said that, this topic can be approached from an objective and scientific perspective. On many occasions when wrinkles appear, some resort to topical treatments, but others go further and end up undergoing surgical treatments in order to seek an improvement in the appearance of the skin.

We have mentioned that this is associated with eating habits. Here is a summary of some foods that, although they are not “magic solutions” to the issue of the appearance of wrinkles, could provide benefits through their vitamins and minerals. These had the effect of delaying the appearance of wrinkles, but not stopping or eliminating them.

Reduce bad habits

If you want to reduce wrinkles, it is important to eliminate certain habits:

  • Drink little water: according to this study published in 2004 and endorsed by the World Health Organization, the minimum water requirement is the amount that equals losses and prevents the adverse effects of insufficient water, such as dehydration.
  • Sleep few hours: even in popular belief, this has become a very common topic, with most converging on the idea of ​​sleeping a minimum of 7 to 8 hours a day.
  • Sunbathing excessively: in the summary of this study, published by the US Environmental Protection Agency, it is explained that since the appearance of the breakdown in the ozone layer in the 80s, the risk of contracting cancer of skin could increase.
  • Tobacco and alcohol: we believe that today, this is an issue that is superimposed on the table. There are hundreds of studies that show how bad it is for your health to abuse these substances.
  • Do not remove make-up at night: the components of some make-up products are known and it is also known that there are some that try to make them in an ecological way to help in the process of use and removal of make-up. However, issues such as contact eczema, acne of cosmetic origin or the syndromes of sensitive skin or red face are some of the disorders that can arise if the correct hygiene of the face is not done.

Foods that help reduce wrinkles

This study carried out by the Mediestetic Clinic in Toledo explains that the possible relationship between health and diet could affect the beauty of the skin. It also states that today it is considered that food, in addition to a nutritional role, could play a fundamental role in the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases.

That is, some foods could help in the treatment and prevention of recurrences of some skin conditions, such as acne and psoriasis.

He goes on to explain that some dietary modifications can be fundamental in those dermatoses linked to obesity and skin aging, although most studies are carried out with small samples and are recommended more to strengthen the scientific evidence.

In other words, by consuming certain foods, we could help our body to “age more slowly.” So, let’s go see what some of these are.


Broccoli is known as an energy food that contains vitamin C. This is crucial for the production of collagen, which may help fight wrinkles. It also contains beta-carotene, which may help renew skin cells.

On the latter, this study can be cited, whose title is “Beauty of the skin: the role of nutritional supplements.” Here it is explained that beta-carotene supplements are being used as photoprotectors of the skin, alone or accompanied by antioxidant vitamins, taking advantage of the synergistic effect between them.

In the same way, they continue to explain that this pigment is abundant in orange fruits and vegetables, red berries and dark green vegetables. They are supplements that must be taken for a somewhat long period, since their effectiveness has been demonstrated in studies lasting 8 to 12 weeks.



Spinach contains protein, fiber, iron, potassium, folates, vitamin C, A, E, and beta-carotene. In the study entitled “Antioxidants present in food: vitamins, minerals and supplements” it is explained that vitamin A is only present in foods of animal origin, while in vegetables it is found as provitamin A, in the form of carotenes.

Such is the case of spinach, that is, it contains vitamin A in the form of provitamin. The antioxidant activity focuses specifically on the inhibition of lipid peroxidation caused by free radicals. In simpler words: Conscious consumption of spinach can help improve the appearance of the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.



In this study published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Republic of Peru, the following is explained:

  • Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all commonly consumed fruits and vegetables, with flavonoids as the main antioxidants present.
  • These can help improve brain function and slow aging-related decline.

The relationship between the balanced consumption of this fruit and the reduction of wrinkles is the same that can be observed in eating broccoli. In other words, both contain antioxidants, which provide the skin with benefits to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Extra virgin olive oil

A good raw extra virgin olive oil contains a wide variety of healthy fats. Helps reduce oxidative stress in skin cells, helping to prevent and reduce existing wrinkles and remove dead cells. The intake of olive oil, fruits and vegetables reduces damage to the skin, up to 25%.

This can be consulted in this online study, published by Dialnet experts, whose title is “Properties of olive oil in maintaining skin integrity”, which also explains the contributions of olive oil consumption and how they are they can help hydrate the skin as well as prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.


Walnuts and many other nuts are good to help replace unhealthy fats and thus prevent the appearance of wrinkles. This is because they contain copper and help stimulate elastin production. This is responsible for providing elasticity. Therefore, without it, the skin becomes saggy.


Salmon and avocado

It is one of the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids, as shown in this study, published by the Asociación de Interciencia de Venezuela. They help improve the general health and moisture levels of the skin, preventing dryness. Therefore, they minimize the appearance of fine lines and the appearance of new wrinkles.

It is recommended to consume fish three times a week to get the most benefits. Most fish contain copper, which encourages the production of elastin in the skin and makes it appear smoother and softer.

Final note

The nutrients contained in some healthy foods can be key to reducing the presence of wrinkles on the skin, especially when they occur prematurely. However, its consumption must be complemented with other good habits, since the health of the skin also depends on factors that go far beyond a simple diet.

Therefore, in addition to eating well, it is suggested to maintain a daily beauty routine, that is, hydrate the face before sleeping, at least 3 times a week. It is recommended to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, and tobacco, because not even look at him.

Among the most important tips are to drink enough water, between 6 and 8 glasses a day, it is also important to sleep well, between 7 and 8 hours a day.

One of the most important data that we can mention, to conclude, is physical exercise, at least three times a week. It is suggested to go for a walk between 30 and 45 minutes, starting in a gym near work or home. Today there are many ways to start doing sports.

Finally, experts recommend finding a few minutes a day to meditate. You don’t need teachers or a lot of time. Just the disposition, some headphones and try to disconnect for 5 minutes. Doing some breathing exercises would help you to oxygenate and get back on track with the routine.

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