The Best Diets To Lose Weight “without Suffering”

Although it may seem like a contradiction, to lose weight without suffering we should not diet. The secret is in learning to eat correctly, and increasing your consumption of satisfying and healthy foods.

When we decide to carry out a diet to lose weight, we automatically believe that we will have a bad time, we will be hungry all the time and we will be unbearable moody. However, you can lose weight without suffering. How? In this article we will tell you about it.

When it comes to weight loss, it is essential to ensure that all the necessary nutrients are provided to the body. In addition, you have to make sure that the plan is slightly hypocaloric.

Is it possible to lose weight without suffering?

Dieting is not synonymous with suffering, since there are certain habits that you can carry out in your day to day and that do not involve any effort. Changing your lifestyle is the best way to maintain your ideal weight and enjoy good health.

In this way, we can lose weight without starving, without fear of the rebound effect, and without feeling depressed, moody, or frustrated. On the other hand, many diets promise to make us lose kilos in a short time, but they also involve a strict regimen and can be harmful to our body.

Pay attention to these tips for an ideal diet:

1. Say goodbye to metabolically “dead” foods

Refined flours.

We can divide these foods into three groups that do not bring benefits to the body but quite the opposite: processed sugars, processed flours and oils. How many of your meals include them? Most likely.

One of the problems they cause is swelling. Therefore, one of the reasons you cannot lose weight is because starch and fat are accumulating in your tissues. In addition, these kinds of foods have been shown to be harmful to metabolic health, making it difficult to lose adipose tissue.

On the contrary, add more fruit and vegetables that help eliminate toxins and prevent fluid retention.

2. Don’t diet

Although it may seem strange, the best diet to lose weight without suffering lies precisely in not dieting. This is because, for many people, counting calories and looking at food packaging becomes an obsession.

Continually thinking about kilos and what is allowed or prohibited is not good for physical or mental health. Therefore, it is better that you do not go on a diet, much less one that promises miraculous results in a few weeks.

3. Have a good breakfast

7 things you should know about breakfast

The basis of a healthy diet lies in offering the body what it needs and when it needs it. Therefore, having a proper breakfast is essential for many reasons. This is evidenced by a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

First, because it will provide you with the nutrients that the body will need throughout the day (remember that you have been sleeping for several hours and you have not offered it food in all that time).

In addition, a full breakfast avoids snacking in the middle of the morning or arriving with a lot of appetite for lunch, it allows you to exercise and perform more. Prolonged fasting stores fat because the body, not receiving food, prepares to store and reserve.

Make sure that your breakfast includes all the food groups: fruits, vegetables, dairy and cereals, no fried foods, sugars or pastries.

4. Don’t weigh yourself often

The weight of a person can vary according to different factors:

  • For example, it is not the same to weigh yourself in the morning before having breakfast as in the evening after having eaten several times during the day.
  • Nor is it the same to get on the scale before exercise than after training.
  • It can even change depending on whether or not we have gone to the bathroom, whether we drank more or less liquid and the woman’s menstrual cycle.

    The best thing to do is weigh yourself every week and try to respect the same conditions. For example, always after breakfast and before exercising.

    5. Eat more times, but less quantity

    Woman eating a salad.

    One of the main problems with magic diets is that they minimize food intake. This is not healthy because the body needs different nutrients.

    It is not recommended that lunch be a yogurt or dinner be a bowl of soup. A good way to lose weight without suffering is to eat more but more intelligently.

    What does this mean? That instead of copious intakes do make 4 6 smaller. The same amount of food but divided into more meals.

    It is convenient to consume something every 3 or 4 hours. This way you will arrive with less appetite for lunch or dinner, the body will have energy continuously and the stomach will burn fat when it performs each digestion.

    6. Chew well

    This is another of the tricks that can help you if you want to lose weight but without suffering with miracle diets.

    When we eat slowly we eat less food, you enjoy each bite more and help the body to digest it better. Chewing well, in addition, will help the digestive system receive the most processed foods.

    Something that can also help meet your goal is that you use smaller plates so you can serve smaller portions.

    7. Add more protein

    This nutrient has many benefits for the body and allows us to lose weight without suffering. In each of your intakes, try to add protein accompanied by fruits and vegetables to obtain satiety and energy. They provide few calories, slow digestion and are healthy.

    In addition, ensuring adequate protein consumption, you can gain muscle mass if you exercise. This will make it easier for you to lose weight. To achieve this hypertrophy you have to consume at least 1.4 grams of protein / kg of weight, according to experts.

    8. Don’t get distracted when eating

    Have a light and early dinner.

    Put aside the television, mobile or that book that you love while you eat. If you are dispersed at mealtime, you will eat more and poorer quality food.

    Also, you will not chew properly and the brain will take even longer to receive the message that the stomach is satisfied, since it will be paying attention to something else.

    It is possible to lose weight without suffering

    As you can see, these simple strategies can help you lose weight without suffering. The key is still a balanced and healthy diet, be patient and the results will be noticeable.

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