The Benefits Of Consuming Oatmeal Daily

Despite all the nutritional benefits mentioned, it is not advisable to base your diet solely on this food. The ideal is to maintain a balanced diet and, when in doubt, consult your doctor before making changes.

Oats have received considerable attention in recent years for their high content of dietary fiber, phytochemicals, and nutritional value. It is believed that the consumption of oats provides several health benefits, it has also been considered adequate in the celiac diet.

Due to their high nutritional value, oat-based food products, such as breads, cookies, probiotic drinks, and breakfast cereals, are gaining in importance.

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it allows us to go out with all the energy and face the day in the best way. For this reason, it is convenient to take advantage of breakfast to have our portion of oatmeal.

Here we explain what are the most outstanding benefits of consuming oatmeal daily and why.

Benefits of consuming oats

1. It is rich in fiber

Oats are rich in dietary fibers that promote beneficial physiological effects, such as lowering cholesterol and blood glucose.

Beta-glucans are a component of dietary fiber. It is a plant polysaccharide resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine. It is believed that it could regulate the digestion and absorption of nutrients and serves as a substrate for the microflora of the intestine.

Oatmeal to combat high blood pressure.

2. Helps control blood sugar

In the same way, oats have been shown to provide a wide range of human health benefits, such as reducing the symptoms of diabetes and obesity. The main component of oats responsible for these benefits is beta-glucan, however, the phenolic compounds in oats and other antioxidant compounds also provide health benefits.

Oats have an antioxidant capacity mainly due to the presence of tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytic acid, flavonoids and non-flavonoid phenolic compounds.

3. Improves digestion and has a satiating effect

It seems that oatmeal also has a positive effect on the perception of satiety. The stickiness of oats interferes with the mixing process in the small intestine to reduce digestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in a feeling of fullness.

4. Take care of the heart and brain

There is some evidence that the amount of omega 3 and linoleic acids, known as “good fats”, may help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), promoting activities in the heart and brain.

On the other hand, oatmeal is a cereal rich in B vitamins. Therefore it helps to develop, maintain and balance the functioning of the nervous system.

5. Provides nutrients

Oats have a well balanced nutritional composition. It is a good source of quality carbohydrates and protein with a good balance of amino acids. Oats contain a high percentage of oat lipids, especially unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals.

6. Ally in beauty treatments

Oatmeal can also be an ally in beauty treatments. When used topically, you can achieve a much prettier skin and hair, since it could soften and hydrate it.

In addition, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, which can provide dermatological benefits.

Ways to consume oats

In general, the first meal of the day is used to have a serving of oatmeal. Above all, raw, in flakes accompanied with milk or yogurt. It can also be eaten cooked with a touch of cinnamon.

  • Oatmeal smoothie.  Add an apple, a banana, a pear, milk or yogurt to the blender, along with a few tablespoons of oatmeal and mix well. This drink can be consumed at any time of the day. Sweeten with sugar if necessary.
  • Pancake  It can be salty or sweet, depending on your preferences. It is made with a little oatmeal and milk, and then it can be filled with vegetables and spices, with jams and sweets, and so on.
  • Oat bread.  It is a really delicious whole wheat bread, you can add cinnamon and nutmeg and do not forget to put yeast to grow in the oven. You can also add raisins, seeds, nuts, chocolate, etc.
  • Oatmeal Cookies.  They are an excellent option for a snack, there are varieties with coconut, almonds or walnuts.
  • In salads.  Chop onion, tomato, boiled potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, grate carrots, whatever comes to mind and finally, the special touch: the oatmeal, which should be boiled (with a little salt, if you want), for 25 minutes, washed and rinsed with cold water.
  • For breading vegetables or meats.  Instead of using breadcrumbs or flour, you can use oatmeal to make slices of eggplant or squash, chicken, fish, meat, etc.

    There are many ways to add oatmeal to our daily diet. These are some of the most popular. Remember that you can choose those that you like the most as well as create your own recipes.

    Despite all the nutritional benefits mentioned, it is not advisable to base your diet solely on this food. The ideal is to maintain a balanced diet and, when in doubt, consult your doctor before making changes.

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