The 10 Best Remedies To Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common circulatory problems.  It mainly affects women, although many men suffer from them as well. Treating varicose veins thus becomes a common concern. And it is beneficial to do it early.

What are varicose veins?

Broadly speaking, varicose veins are dilations of the veins that prevent proper blood circulation, which produces lumps that can be seen with the naked eye. According to the MSD Manual “typical venous varicose veins do not produce symptoms, but they can generate a sensation of fullness, pressure and pain or hyperesthesia in the legs”.

Varicose veins

Although it is often said that its origin is in the malfunction of the circulatory system, it does not necessarily have to be.

Among the risk factors that can trigger them are: obesity, sedentary lifestyle, standing for a long time or in the same position, the use of contraceptives, family history, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol or thrombosis problems.

It is very important to pay attention to the first manifestations of this problem, in order to give it adequate treatment and maintain a good quality of life. Of course, it is also important to maintain good lifestyle habits. At this point, diet and exercise play a fundamental role.

Regular exercise is essential to promote good circulation, prevent bloating and fluid retention, as well as the feeling of heaviness. To give you an idea, here is a simple exercise:

Treat varicose veins with natural remedies

Regarding the treatment of varicose veins, the MSD Manual indicates that “it tries to alleviate symptoms, improve the appearance of the leg and, in some patients, prevent complications. Treatment consists of compression stockings and wound care, as needed. “

For their part, Mayo Clinic experts reaffirm how important it is to maintain good lifestyle habits, as well as carry out some daily care, such as:

  • Do exercise
  • Losing weight (in case you are overweight)
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing
  • Put your legs up for several minutes (whether you spend many hours standing or in the same position at rest)
  • Consume plenty of water throughout the day

For its part, popular wisdom indicates that there are some remedies that could help treat varicose veins or better said, mitigate the discomfort that they can cause on a daily basis. Let’s see them below.

1. Garlic

Garlic is said to be a food that can contribute to cardiovascular health. Therefore, many people have not hesitated to include it in their diet regularly. There are even those who consume a clove of garlic on an empty stomach to take advantage of its contributions.

To improve circulation and thus alleviate the discomfort caused by varicose veins, you can consume garlic on an empty stomach or include a capsule of garlic powder in a main meal. You could also make a garlic tea.

Remember to consult with your doctor what could be the best way (for you) to take advantage of garlic and follow his recommendations so that you can appreciate the results.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera soap

Aloe vera or aloe is a plant with various medicinal properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has also been used as a remedy to treat varicose veins.

Specifically, poultices have been prepared with the gel of the plant, to apply on painful areas, in order to relieve discomfort and at the same time, provide extra hydration and nutrition to the skin.

3. Apple cider vinegar

If the aloe vera option doesn’t appeal to you, then you could try apple cider vinegar. With this liquid you can also prepare compresses to soothe the legs after a long day. It should be noted that this is only done if you do not suffer from any skin disorder (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), as it could be counterproductive.

After applying the compresses (aloe or apple cider vinegar) you can perform a gentle massage (without exerting too much pressure) to stimulate blood circulation and obtain greater relief.

4. Vinegar, carrot and aloe vera ointment

An ointment made with a little aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, and carrot might be another option for treating varicose veins. To make it, all the ingredients are placed in a food processor or a blender. Then they must be crushed until we obtain a more or less thick cream. Finally, this ointment is applied on the varicose veins and it is left to act for a few minutes. When removing it, it is best to rinse with warm water.

Note : you can substitute apple cider vinegar for chamomile.

5. Immersion baths

This is a very simple remedy that can be done every day. In addition, it  can be of great help for the feet, thanks to the fact that in the end they will feel rested, relaxed, fresh and even deflated, if that is the case.

The immersion baths are carried out in a bucket or a tub with water, sea salt and a cup of chamomile and calendula infusion. The legs are soaked for twenty minutes while gently massaged.

6. Green clay pomade

This remedy consists of preparing a green clay paste mixed with a little water. Of course, you should not use a lot of water, otherwise the consistency of the ointment will not be adequate.

Once ready, it is applied to the affected areas, preferably at night, allowing it to dry. Subsequently, everything is washed with a little warm water and mild soap.

7. Sheet solution

This is a remedy that requires a little more preparation. However, it is worth it. It consists of boiling two liters of water and adding a handful of chamomile and one of calendula.

This solution is allowed to stand for five minutes and then applied, immersing the feet in a tub or bucket.

8. Chile

The spicy or chili is said to have properties that help decongest the veins and cause better blood circulation. To take advantage of its benefits, it can be consumed in moderation within a balanced diet.

9. Chestnut bark tea

This remedy consists of making an infusion, boiling for approximately ten minutes, 50 grams of horse chestnut bark in one liter of water. After that time you have to strain the tea and drink it immediately.

10. Essential oils

Essential oils to treat varicose veins

Some essential oils are very good for massage and also promote relief and maximize feelings of well-being. It is best to start by applying them to the feet and ankles and gradually work your way up to the thighs using gentle, circular movements.

They should be done mainly at night, so that the properties of essential oils act while you sleep.

As you can see, there are many ways to get relief from varicose veins. Consult with your doctor which ones may be the most suitable for you and follow their recommendations to start feeling better in your day-to-day life.

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