Take Responsibility For Your Life

Have you ever blamed someone else for what you felt? This action is nothing more than holding others responsible for what only concerns you. Today you will discover how to take responsibility for your own life.

And it is that society has taught us to feel like victims and to project our problems onto others. That is why we say things such as “you have made my day bitter” or “because of you now I am angry.” We are wrong to say this, because we do not always get angry when someone acts in a certain way. It all depends on how our state of mind is at that moment.

Taking responsibility for your own emotions

Couple blaming each other

Many times, instead of taking responsibility for your own emotions, you blame others for them. This is how you think other people have made you angry or in a bad mood. However, this is not the case.

  • Imagine a scenario in which someone wants to impose their opinion on an issue at all costs even though what they say is wrong.
  • In this situation we can act by getting angry, yelling and raising our voice to point out the mistake, or calmly telling our point of view and respecting what the other person believes.

If you analyze your life, you may find yourself in situations that have been repeated but in which you have acted in these two different ways. Is the other person really responsible for your emotions? Absolutely. The person in charge is yourself. Due to your experiences, how susceptible you are, the stress you are facing or the well-being you feel, you will act in one way or another.

Making someone else responsible for our emotions is nothing more than a way to shake off our own responsibility and trigger conflicts with others.

We have never been victims


When someone yells at us, we feel like victims; The moment someone criticizes us, we feel like victims. We tend to feel victims of circumstances when, in reality, we have never been victims. At the moment when we are responsible for our emotions and actions, it is impossible for us to be victims of others.

No one has the power to make us feel bad if we have strong self-esteem and know ourselves well. If they manage to make us feel bad about something they say about us, it is important that we ask ourselves why the opinion of others is so important to us. What can we do to be responsible for ourselves?

  • Do not blame others for what we feel, but analyze why we feel this way when certain circumstances arise. This analysis will allow us to identify certain patterns that always repeat themselves.
  • Manage our emotions, learn to identify them, name them and analyze why some are triggered more than others. If we are unable to do so, we can go to a psychologist to help us and provide tools to do so.
  • Not holding others responsible for the damage we allow them to do to us. For example, a couple who judges or criticizes us for how we dress. It is important to set limits in our relationships.

The need to set limits in our relationships

Woman setting limits

Limits are very necessary, especially in relationships. Setting limits will prevent all those who judge, criticize or try to manipulate you from hurting you. In this way, you will avoid holding others responsible for what you feel. Well, you have the power to say “up to here” and not allow anyone to exceed your limits and make you feel bad.

We are responsible for our life in every way. We cannot blame anyone for how we are living it. Many people, for example, with a traumatic childhood, blame their parents for the problems they have in their adult life. However, they are responsible for your life! They have to see these traumas as an opportunity for healing and learning to do better, to live better and to be more aware.

Have you ever held others responsible for what you felt or made you feel? Did you blame others for your own emotions? Not taking responsibility is like sitting around doing nothing and thus accepting the attitude of victims. No one can make us feel bad without our consent.

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