Take Care Of Your Teeth With 100% Natural Products

Looks after your teeth! Currently, these are part of your cover letter. Toothpastes, bleaches and conventional mouthwashes contain ingredients that are too harsh for the pH of our mouth.

These products, from the first moment, give us a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, but in the long term they lower the natural defenses of the mouth, which help us prevent all kinds of problems:

  • Cavities.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Infections

Instead, we can use natural and organic products, made with ingredients that not only do not affect the balance of the mouth, but also provide their therapeutic benefits. In this article we will tell you about them, since they are cheaper and very healthy alternatives than conventional ones. 

1. Take care of your teeth with white clay for oral use

White clay is one of the basic ingredients of natural toothpastes thanks to its properties:

  • Cleaners.
  • Alkalinizers.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Remineralizers.

It is suitable for everyone, as long as it is white clay and specifies that it is for oral use. There are many varieties of clays that have components that can be toxic on contact with the oral mucosa. 

When buying white clay we make sure that its texture is completely fine, without small stones that can damage the enamel of the teeth.

  • We can use the clay directly on the moistened toothbrush.
  • We can also combine it with any of the ingredients mentioned in the article.

2. Take care of your teeth with turmeric


This spice with an intense yellow color and excellent health benefits is also very appropriate for our mouth thanks to its qualities:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidants
  • Whitening.
  • Antiseptics, as this study published in The Journal of Microbiology shows.

We can brush our teeth with turmeric for two minutes and then rinse our mouths with water. We can also mix it with white clay and thus get a more complete powdered toothpaste.

3. Take care of your teeth with coconut oil

Coconut oil benefits

With this ingredient of innumerable medicinal properties we can give our previous toothpaste the texture of a gel, so that it is much easier to apply, or use it independently.

This oil, in addition to having a very smooth texture and a delicious tropical flavor, contains lauric acid, a component that prevents cavities and tartar, as pointed out by this research published in the Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry.

It is essential that it is extra virgin coconut oil.  In general, refined oils lose all their properties and can even be toxic in the long term.


4. Take care of your teeth with baking soda

Baking soda has traditionally been used as a natural bleach. In addition, it is true that it helps clean the teeth and reduce inflammation of the gums in a natural way, as this article from the Journal of periodontology shows.  However, we should not abuse it, as it can damage the enamel of our teeth.

  • Therefore, we recommend using it in small quantities, mixed with other ingredients and always in a very fine texture. To achieve this, we can grind it or dilute it in a liquid base.

    5. Take care of your teeth with Thyme Infusion


    It will be an excellent mouthwash that will give us all the benefits of thyme. We just have to prepare a concentrated infusion of it and keep it in the fridge for a maximum of four days.

    • If we rinse with this infusion after brushing our teeth well, we will be benefiting from the antiseptic and healing properties of thyme, very suitable for preventing infections and sores.
    • It is also highly recommended for when the gums bleed easily.

    6. Take care of your teeth with sea water

    Sea water is another alternative to mouthwash. It could help us to remineralize and also to alkalize the mouth in a very balanced way.

    • We will mix 50 cl of sea water with 250 cl of natural water, which is the appropriate proportion for our pH. In this way the flavor will not be almost salty, but very similar to our natural taste.

    We can keep this mouthwash out of the fridge, since there is no risk of it spoiling.

    7. Take care of your teeth with banana peel

    Do you know this amazing home trick? Banana peel can help us whiten our teeth with something that most of us throw away.

    • We only have to daily rub the inner part of the shell against the teeth, for two minutes, after the usual brushing.

      As a result, we will obtain a progressive whitening of tartar and stains that darken the teeth over time, thanks to the salicylic acid and citric acid that banana contains.

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