Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you have colon problems, in this article we will tell you about the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome so that you can detect it early.

Irritable bowel syndrome is an intestinal disease, as stated by information obtained from the United States National Medical Library. In its advanced stages, it causes a chronic condition that leads to changes in the intestinal rhythm and abdominal pain. You need to be aware of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

In this article we will tell you what are the signs that warn about problems in the colon so that you can detect it in time and treat it accordingly.

What is irritable bowel syndrome

Colon problems affect a large part of the population. Thus, more and more people are being diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.

This condition is included within the so-called functional disorders of the digestive system. Among which we can also mention constipation or dyspepsia.

In all of them, chronic symptoms predominate and are often experienced when the lesion is already very advanced or is very significant.

Daily habits can help or worsen the situation.

Foods that make irritable bowel syndrome symptoms worse

Some foods can make irritable bowel syndrome symptoms worse, so they are not recommended and should be avoided. Among them, according to information obtained from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease are:

  • Leafy vegetables and legumes.
  • Plums
  • Liquid dairy.
  • Citrus in excess.
  • They should be eradicated from foods that cause gas,  such as cabbages or lima beans.

This syndrome has been shown to be more common in women, according to this research by The Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology,  and it is not only related to diet, but also to stress, nerves and fear.

Psychological factors can also alter motility or digestive sensitivity. Therefore, we are more likely to suffer from intestinal problems if we are stressed, nervous, worried, etc. Other causes of colon problems:

  • Acute gastroenteritis.
  • Food intolerances.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Hormonal alterations

Recommended foods to improve colon problems

Meals are advised to be rich in fiber and protein. A good example of a healthy diet is the Mediterranean, which includes a lot of fish, olive oil and tomato, as stated by the Spanish Association of the Digestive System.

  • It is also necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to reduce intestinal irritation, facilitate the movement of the food bolus and avoid constipation.
  • Of course, exercise is essential to improve bowel activity and reduce stress or anxiety.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Many times we associate these signs with other conditions, such as indigestion, a copious meal or a consequence of chaotic daily life.

However, we must be very careful when they appear more than once a week and become the rule rather than the exception, as they could be symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:

Abdominal pain

  • The pain is localized in the lower part of the belly. The discomfort is of the colic type, that is, stabbing or oppressive.
  • It starts out light and then the intensity increases (moderate and later strong).
  • The duration of this symptom is usually 2 hours or less and is relieved by defecation.
  • The onset of pain is consistent with the urge to go to the bathroom. Also with changes in the frequency of stool or with alterations in the consistency of the stool.
  • It can also be related to the intake of a particular food.

Alterations in bowel rhythm

They can manifest themselves through diarrhea or constipation, as well as a combination of the two. In addition, abdominal distention and a large amount of gas are experienced.

As a consequence of these alterations, the person may have the sensation of an incomplete evacuation or observe mucus in the stool.

Digestive problems

Frequent nausea and vomiting can be another symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, as well as burning chest.

Another indication that must be taken into account is poor satiety after meals. After the meal (which seems to have “filled” us) we have an appetite again.

Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Although irritable bowel syndrome can be treated with a good diet and stress reduction, we must also rule out that it is a more serious disease such as cancer. The symptoms that can give it away are:


Constant fatigue can be a symptom of colon cancer

It is true that it is normal to feel tired. However, it is a warning sign when, no matter how many hours we sleep or the activities we do, we are always feeling listless, weak and sleepy.

Unexplained weight loss

If you are not dieting or have changed your eating habits, but still lose weight, you should consult your doctor, according to this study carried out by the Institute of Gastroenterology of Havana. Losing at least 5% of your weight in 6 months is a sign that something is not right.

Stool alterations

The appearance of blood and changes in the appearance and size of the stool may be a sign that we should not ignore, according to the Mayo Clinic in this report.

You should also monitor if you have polyps in the intestine since, over time, they can become malignant.

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