Sometimes, Even If It Hurts, It’s Better To Say Goodbye

Although it hurts, sometimes it is better to know how to say goodbye to that love that no longer enriches us. Or end that friendship that is based more on selfishness than on altruism.

Join us in this reflection today. Let’s talk about the two faces of “knowing how to say goodbye.”

Saying goodbye even if it hurts is courage

Life is cycles, stages to start and doors to close in order to move forward. Now, how can we find that strength and that fortitude to be able to finish certain things?

We live in a continuous flow where only the bravest can walk with the happiness they deserve. With fullness and satisfaction, although sometimes we have to make the odd sacrifice for our good.

It is time to take stock

The importance of knowing how to say goodbye

There are people who are not very used to thinking about themselves. Specifically, to stop and ask that question that we should all ask ourselves at the beginning of the day: How do I feel today?

  • It is not necessary that every day we enjoy absolute happiness. It’s not about that. The real game of life is to find that daily tranquility with which to feel good about ourselves. With what we are. With what we have.
  • Get used to talking to yourself. Don’t focus your entire universe on others. You are also important and you should know how you feel, what you feel, what hurts and what you lack.
  • Taking stock is an exercise as healthy as it is useful. To do this, make a visualization. On one side is everything that makes you smile every day. On the other side, what worries you, what hurts you.
  • What weighs more? The joys or the sorrows? Reflect on it.

Saying goodbye is not a goodbye, it’s a start

Saying goodbye is not a goodbye, it's a start

You have taken stock and you have realized that there are things that you should let go of. We are not just talking about people. Sometimes, there are some other dimensions that are also left over in our life:

  • Get rid of negative thoughts. We must get rid of constant worry and learn to be more optimistic. This study from the University of Santiago de Chile, in fact, emphasizes the benefits of this way of thinking in order to have a full and happy life.
  • Say goodbye to focusing our life only on others. We must maintain balance and open the doors to our moments of leisure. To continue training if we want to, to improve in the workplace …
  • It has to say goodbye to emotional burdens. Are you worried about what they think of you? Drop that weight, it’s no use. Are you worried about criticism? Be free in your actions, in your desire, and give wings to your personal growth.

How to say goodbye to someone we still love

Sometimes we have to live those hard times when despite continuing to love certain people, we are aware that they cause us more pain than growth. More tears than happiness.

How to deal with this situation?

  • If you love someone, you should first do what you can to solve the problem. Now, if you realize that you have invested time, illusions and efforts in someone who has done little or nothing to deserve you, it is time to say goodbye even if it hurts.
  • To say goodbye, you must realize that you no longer want to suffer. That you don’t deserve to suffer. You are a brave person who will be able to continue with your life with integrity. Therefore, you must present the situation as you feel it.
  • Tell the truth, open your heart and argue the need for that goodbye. Now be firm. Sometimes we make the mistake of “trying again”, and this can sometimes translate into more months of suffering.
  • The goodbye should be given with sincerity, emotional openness and decision. Someone could say “no anesthesia” because the pain is going to be intense. However, it is a necessity. Because also be clear that a necessary goodbye is, in reality, a new beginning in your life. Another chance to be happy.

    Resume the bond with yourself after goodbye

    Say goodbye even if it hurts

    When we say goodbye, a part of ourselves detaches itself from that person as well. It is like cutting an umbilical cord that we fed on emotions, projects, dreams and illusions.

    After this break, it is vital that we regain that bond with ourselves. In particular, with our self-esteem, with our being in order to continue advancing in happiness and fulfillment.

    Take note of some very important tips:

    • Remember that goodbye was necessary. It’s the end of the stage and now it’s time not to get up. It is the moment to “REBORN”, “rediscover” ourselves again but in a more powerful way. Because we have been brave, because we have learned a wise lesson and we know what we want: to seek our happiness.
      • Saying goodbye even if it hurts is opening a new door  and, don’t hesitate, you can be everything you want.
      • Don’t hold a grudge against anyone about what happened. If the goodbye is accompanied by anger or resentment, we will not be able to move forward. Hatred makes us prisoners. So there is no better freedom than that which advances without weights on the part of those who have known how to forgive.

      Even if it hurts, even if it costs you, remember … sometimes it is better to say goodbye.

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