Rules And Recommendations To Avoid Stress

Are there any quick and helpful tips to avoid stress? The truth is that in this type of psychological condition, there is no formula that serves us all equally and even less that is effective from today to tomorrow.

Stress is installed slowly and progressively in our mind and our body to generate changes. These, in general, tend to end up affecting our health.

Deactivating, or at least controlling its incidence, undoubtedly requires a set of strategies. The first is to become aware of the problem.

The second, to have a clear and firm will to handle that situation much better. For this, we have good specialists in this field : there are very effective psychological therapies to reduce the burden of stress.

The third strategy is broader: change and improve our lifestyle habits. Thus, and beyond what we can think, it is enough to do our part and be constant so that little by little we notice the improvement.

Let us therefore take note of a set of interesting keys.

5 strategies to avoid stress

If there is no solution, why bother? This fragment of an Arabic proverb is quite related to stress. However, it must be said that this advice does not always work.

  • The mind returns over and over to the same thoughts. Restlessness feeds them, anguish grows and thus, we fall almost without realizing it in those exhausting cycles where stress becomes more intense.
  • Studies such as the one carried out by the psychologists  Neil Greenberg and   James A. Carr  Cliff, show us in a work published in the journal “Comparative Biology” that stress is always related to the environmental and social stimuli that surround us, and the sensation of control we have over them.

If we experience things getting more and more out of hand, uneasiness rises. If that day comes when we assume that nothing we do can change or improve our reality, we will have reached a very problematic point.

It is therefore necessary to integrate a series of strategies to prevent small problems from turning into big mountains.

1. Slow things down, slow down

The world is going very fast and we want to go ahead of it. Thus, when the mind goes at a higher speed than life, we are the ones who lose.

  • Learning to slow down involves knowing how to relax. It means allowing our body a balanced level of activation where it does not accelerate, where there is no pressure or that immediacy that causes tachycardia, headaches …

One way to learn to slow down is to structure our days correctly, wherever there are times of rest and leisure.

An attentive and focused mind

A key strategy to avoid stress is to keep a focused and attentive mind. Only then will we understand what deserves our attention and what does not. Only in this way will we set our sights on what is a priority, leaving aside what is not useful.

An excellent way to train our mind in attention is by practicing Mindulness.

Studies such as the one carried out by doctors Brown, Kirk Warren, Ryan, Richard M, from the University of Manchester, indicate that this exercise in the Buddhist tradition is very beneficial for our psychological health.

Woman looking at cloud between her hands and thinking about not stressing out

You have control over your reality

If we convince ourselves that nothing that happens is controllable, we will fall into a state of learned helplessness where we can gradually move from stress to depression.

  • We must learn to control what is under our responsibility. Something like this implies decision, assertiveness and management skills.
  • If you don’t control your reality, it will control you. Therefore, another secret to not stress is to remember that we are the protagonists of our lives and that we are at the helm of command.

    Focus on the positive

    When we experience stress our mind drifts towards the negative. We say to ourselves that of “I’m not going to be able to do this”, “I’m sure it’s going to go wrong”, “nobody trusts me” …

    We must therefore learn to “train” our brain towards positivity. Changing this approach is not easy, we will not achieve it overnight.

    We can turn to a psychologist to help us overcome this negativity, or we can become firmly aware of the need to make a change.

    More tips to avoid stress

    • Eliminate unnecessary obligations
    • Eat in a more balanced way.
    • Don’t put things off for tomorrow
    • Be neat and organized
    • You don’t always want to control everything
    • Avoid doing many things at the same time
    • Simplify your lifestyle
    • Practice yoga.
    • Art therapies can be of great help: dance, paint mandalas, write …
    • Don’t have every minute of your day scheduled
    • Do things slower
    • Enjoy the little joys
    • Stop worrying about work when you get home
    • Exercise or go for a walk
    • Eat healthy
    • Simplify the number of to-dos

    woman who thinks about not stressing out

    To conclude, integrate these strategies to avoid stress in life and start making changes. Your mood will improve day by day.

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