Reverse Hair Loss With 3 Home Remedies

Many people suffer from profuse hair loss . But can this be treated with home remedies?

Finding a way to reverse hair loss naturally is the dream of many people who are still unaware of the cause of their problem.

Sometimes, hair loss can be related to the excessive use of inappropriate products, which damage the hair fiber progressively until it is completely weakened. For example, using the hair straightener every day or applying low-quality shampoos and products, which promote dryness and greatly weaken the strands.

Although there are some times of the year, such as autumn, when hair loss is much more pronounced and is normal, if the problem persists over time, it is necessary to find out what may be causing hair loss.

In order to detect the cause of hair loss, it is necessary to review lifestyle habits and, above all, diet.

And it must be borne in mind that if hair loss is accompanied by other discomforts and symptoms, it will be necessary to consult with the doctor. 

In case it is caused by a disease, it is believed that certain home remedies can be used to reverse hair loss.

Home remedies to reverse hair loss

According to beliefs, natural products are a valid resource to take care of the hair and reverse its loss, since they seem to be less aggressive with the scalp.

Many people combine their regular care products with a home remedy to get the results they want.

Important note : If you have sensitive skin, suffer from a specific condition, it is essential to consult a dermatologist before starting to use natural remedies. In this way, adverse reactions are avoided.

1. Rosemary


As stated in the article Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the inhabitants of the rural area of ​​the Parroquia de San Carlos , Quevedo, Ecuador , rosemary is a plant that can help reverse hair loss since it helps stimulate circulation on the scalp.

To reduce the fall we must follow the following steps:

  • We will prepare an infusion by adding some rosemary leaves to a saucepan of water.
  • Once the infusion is ready, we let it rest until the water becomes warm.
  • We strain the result and apply it as if it were a tonic, massaging the scalp.
  • Afterward, we wash our hair. It is important that we do this at least once a week to start seeing results.

2. Nettle

Nettle plant.

Nettle is another option to reverse hair loss, as stated in the article Habitats and traditional uses of Urtica species l. in the upper basin of the Ambato River , Tungurahua-Ecuador . It has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent hair loss.

Many times, due to stress, the scalp can develop seborrheic dermatitis. This causes inflammation, itching and hair loss. Nettle can be an excellent option in these cases. Let’s see how it is used:

  • We prepare an infusion of nettle, just as we did with rosemary.
  • Once we have let it rest, strain it and apply the lotion to the scalp.
  • We give a gentle massage and let it rest.
  • We can apply this remedy twice a week.

Note : we must handle nettle leaves with protection, as it contains small hairs that are irritating and cause hives. Once infused, this effect wears off.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera soap

Aloe vera is one of the latest remedies that can help reverse hair loss. Moisturizes the scalp, cleanses the hair and strengthens the hair fiber. Without a doubt, it is essential to always have an Aloe vera plant at home because it can be used in many different ways. In this case, we will do it as follows:

  • We cut an aloe vera leaf.
  • We cut it in half.
  • We rub its interior all over the scalp.
  • We massage and let it rest.
  • We can repeat the procedure once a week.

If we do not want to apply aloe vera in this way, we can choose to remove its interior with the help of a spoon, put it in a container and crush it. Afterwards, we will carefully apply it to the scalp.

Tips to reverse hair loss

Although these home remedies can help us reverse hair loss, it is important that we go to our doctor. The reason is that if we suffer from seborrheic dermatitis or alopecia, the doctor will give us a treatment according to our problem.

In addition to using that treatment, we can use the above remedies. But it is always important that we give priority to the advice that our doctor can give us. The results derived from home remedies can be very slow. That is why it is so important to be consistent when we apply them.

Are you suffering from a significant hair loss? Is it something specific? We hope this article has helped you and given you some natural alternatives that can complement the treatment that your doctor has already recommended.

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