Reduces Darkening Of The Skin On The Neck

Both lemon juice and yogurt are cleansing agents that can help us lighten the skin. Try not to expose yourself to the sun afterwards so as not to reverse the results

Neck darkening is a relatively common problem whose scientific name is Acanthosis Nigricans. It is a health problem that does not represent a mortal danger for those who suffer from it, but it does leave psychological traces and reduces the self-esteem of those affected. It is not an infection or a contagious disease.

The causes of darkening of the neck can be prolonged exposure to the sun, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, diabetes, etc. This problem is usually accompanied by darkening of other areas of the body.

Discover which are the most effective remedies to help combat this tone.

Lemon to lighten the neck


Lemon is an easy ingredient to find because it is widely used in our homes. Thanks to its whitening properties, it is the ideal remedy to treat this condition. Lemon is said to help skin clear up naturally due to its properties. Remember not to expose yourself to the sun minutes after using this remedy . You only need lemon juice and a little cotton.


  • Take a lemon and extract its juice.
  • Dip the cotton in the juice.
  • Apply the cotton with the juice directly on the neck.
  • Make sure to add water to the lemon juice if your skin is sensitive to avoid redness and skin irritation.
  • Leave the juice on the skin for 10-20 minutes.
  • When finished, wash with cold water and apply a light cream.


Oatmeal is excellent for health and especially to combat darkening of the skin as it acts as a natural exfoliator that helps remove dead skin cells.


  • Coarsely ground oats.
  • Tomato pulp.
  • Water.
  • Moisturizer, like shea butter.
  • A small bowl.


  • Take the ground oatmeal in large pieces and place it in the bowl.
  • Add enough tomato pulp and mix until you have a consistent paste.
  • Apply this paste directly to the neck region and massage for a few minutes.
  • Leave it to act for about 15 – 30 minutes on the skin.
  • This whole process will have an exfoliating effect and will release dead cells.
  • Then rinse the area with water.
  • Finally use the moisturizer and massage the area again.

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Even though there are not enough scientific samples, yogurt is said to be a great cleansing agent that helps lighten the skin and  if you combine it with lemon juice you will maximize the results . To try this remedy you only need half a cup of yogurt and a tablespoon of lemon juice.


  • Take the yogurt and add the lemon juice.
  • Stir well and apply directly to the neck.
  • Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Then wash the entire area with water.
  • Repeat this remedy regularly.

Fruit masks to brighten the neck

Fruits have always been used as cosmetics to soften the skin, revitalize it and improve its texture. Certain fruits such as avocado, banana, orange, apple or papaya contain enzymes, minerals and vitamins that help improve the health and tone of the skin.

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Banana mask

The banana combined with olive oil creates a mask rich in antioxidant elements that will help you have a smoother, healthier and revitalized skin. For this mask you need a ripe banana and olive oil.


  • Take the banana and mash it with your hands until you create a pulp.
  • Then add a certain amount of olive oil and mix it all together.
  • Apply this on your neck and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash the area with water and pat your skin dry.

The daily use of this banana mask helps to nourish the skin and reduce the darkening of the neck.

Strawberry papaya mask to lighten neck skin

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which is very good at removing dead skin cells. Strawberries, meanwhile, have antioxidant substances that help repair cell damage. This combination is excellent for having essential vitamins and minerals to nourish skin cells and lighten darkened areas. For this remedy you will need a papaya and two strawberries.


  • Take the papaya and mash it until you get a pulp.
  • Mash the strawberries.
  • Take a tablespoon or two of the papaya pulp and add the strawberries.
  • Mix well and apply directly to the neck for about 10 – 15 minutes.

These are some of the best home remedies to reduce darkening of neck skin. Just remember that if the problem persists, you should visit the doctor to rule out any serious health problems.

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