Reduce Menstrual Pain With Infusions

Among the properties of ginger is to relieve inflammation and pain, in addition to reducing nausea and stomach discomfort typical of menstrual periods

One of the most common symptoms of PMS is menstrual cramps or cramps. They are believed to be caused by excess levels of prostaglandins. These substances are similar to hormones related to pain and inflammation. Therefore, in this article you will learn how menstrual pain is reduced with infusions. What are you waiting for to start reading!

In the first place, natural herbal teas could help us soothe those annoying pains, although they do not exempt us from visiting the doctor.

Menstrual cramps usually affect the lower abdomen. However, it can also radiate to the lower back and thighs. For many women, cramps are a normal consequence of PMS.

If you are experiencing severe cramps, see your doctor. The reason could be that you are suffering from an underlying health problem (such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or uterine fibroids). If your menstrual cramps are tolerable but bothersome, reduce menstrual pain with infusions like the ones we present below.

Decrease menstrual pain with Chinese herbal teas

Chinese herbs help with menstrual cramps

In a 2007 report, scientists conducted up to 39 studies with a total of 3,475 women. They concluded that Chinese herbs could relieve menstrual cramps more effectively than most over-the-counter menstrual pain medications. Almost all of the study participants were given the formulas containing five or six herbs, including:

  • Chinese angelica root.
  • Fennel fruit.
  • Licorice root.
  • Cinnamon bark.
  • Red peony root.



Drinking a raspberry leaf tea may help relieve menstrual cramps due to its supposed calming properties. Although we have not found scientific evidence in this regard, in natural medicine, these leaves are used to relieve colic, as well as the feeling of nervousness that can accompany your period.

On the other hand, it is believed that the minerals in the leaves would replace the nutrients that you may be losing during menstruation and also help to relax the muscles.

Bulk raspberry leaves can be purchased cheaply at most health food stores. To prepare this tea, add a tablespoon of the leaves to a cup of hot water and let the mixture steep for 15 minutes.

Cramp crust

Decrease menstrual pain with Viburbum infusions

This herb has long been credited with the ability to relieve cramps, despite the fact that, according to WebMD, there is no evidence to support this belief.

The cramp bark from viburnum would act directly on the muscles of the uterus and encourage them to relax. Lastly, this herb is often mixed with ginger to create pleasant and effective teas.

Ginger, reduces menstrual pain with infusions


Decrease menstrual pain with ginger infusions. This herb may help lower your levels of pain-causing prostaglandins. In addition, it would also help combat the fatigue commonly associated with PMS.

In a 2009 study, women who took 250 mg ginger capsules four times a day for three days from the start of their menstrual period experienced a level of pain relief equal to that of study members who treated their menstrual cramps with ibuprofen.

The ability of ginger to relieve inflammation and pain is due to its proven anti-inflammatory properties, according to different investigations. These studies affirm that it would also have an anti-nausea and anti-dizziness effect, two of the symptoms that can accompany menstrual cramps.

According to the University of Maryland, drinking ginger tea twice a day can provide adequate relief. Use 2 tablespoons of ginger root to make each cup of tea.


You have probably heard of the use of chamomile tea to relax the mind before sleeping. However, you may not be aware that it can also relax the uterine muscles.

According to a study published in 2011, the flavonoids and presteroid compounds in chamomile would help relieve spasms in smooth muscle and also reduce inflammation. This popular herbal tea is easy to find in most supermarkets.


Consuming peppermint relieves menstrual cramps

Finally, drinking peppermint tea could ease the pain associated with menstrual cramps. Besides that, it could also prevent back pain due to its menthol content.

Remember: if you suffer from acute pain that persists over time, you should consult your doctor to receive the most appropriate treatment for your condition. Home remedies and herbal teas can help relieve symptoms but are not a substitute for medical opinion.

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