Reasons To Take Care Of Your Skin With Natural Products

Natural cosmetics are becoming more prevalent every day, as many people have already begun to pay more attention to the chemical substances that most products contain, their adverse effects and the complications derived from overexposure. Therefore, they choose to use natural or organic products.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. The  Humans can survive without other organs, such as the spleen or gallbladder, but never without skin. Thus,  You need to give it the attention it deserves to keep it healthy and looking good. 

Knowing your skin type is essential

In addition to leading a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to know well the type of skin and cosmetic products that best suit your needs. For this, it will be essential to visit a dermatologist and, once the diagnosis is made, follow the recommendations provided.

Know your skin so as not to hurt it

Try to always take into account the natural balance of fat that your complexion needs and thus avoid going to the extreme of dehydrating or damaging it.  For this you must know what type of skin you have : oily, dry, mixed or if it is sensitive.

Choose the products that are according to your type of skin.  D In this way, you will get positive results in your beauty routine.

Reasons to take care of your skin with natural products

Here are the main advantages of using natural skin care products.

1. They nourish the skin, without drying it out

Protect the skin

Natural products are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, among other substances that stimulate the production of natural oils, without falling into excesses. They also easily penetrate the different layers of the skin and therefore help it look healthier. On the other hand, they favor cellular self-regeneration. 

Those products that are certified and display the “bio”, “organic” or “natural” label must come from organic farming and have at least 95% plant ingredients. Likewise, they must be free of petroleum derivatives, dyes and synthetic perfumes.

2. Lower risk of allergies

While there may be exceptions, the vast majority of natural skin care products do not usually have relevant side effects. And, in general, they have a lower risk of allergies compared to other formulas with chemical ingredients, perfumes,

Before applying a product to the skin, it is important that you test a small area, such as the wrist, and observe if there are changes such as: swelling, redness, itching, dryness, irritation, etc.

3. They adapt easily to skin type

Since there are no chemical barriers that get in the way, natural products have a higher affinity when they come into contact with the skin. This is because its composition is much less aggressive for the pH. 

The best natural products

While it is true that fruits are one of the best sources of nutrients for the skin, they are not the only ones capable of providing benefits. Honey, aloe vera, almonds and other foods also have an excellent composition, as well as great properties to carry out skin care.

1. Papaya

More than the papaya pulp, the skin has a high content of nutrients, such as: vitamins (A, EC), minerals (magnesium, potassium), among others that nourish the skin and help it stay healthy.

It also contains an enzyme called ‘papain’ that has regenerative properties and, therefore, accelerates the natural loss of dead skin cells. It also helps to deeply hydrate and prevent premature aging.

2. Aloe

Aloe vera is one of the natural products most used in health, given the large number of beneficial properties it has, including regenerative ones. It has soothing ingredients that fight burning, redness, itching, inflammation, among others. And it is used both to relieve burns and to reduce scars from recent injuries.

Its daily use allows to keep the skin hydrated, and its application is very satisfactory, given the feeling of freshness it leaves.

3. Algae

Seaweed extract is a natural ingredient with great benefits for the health of the skin and in general. It has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties that help the skin look fresh. On the other hand, seaweed is rich in B vitamins, which help treat conditions such as rosacea, and in vitamin C, which promote collagen production for healthy and youthful skin. 

4. Almond oil

almonds oil

Almond essential oil is rich in vitamins A and E (very powerful antioxidants), potassium, zinc, protein, and monounsaturated fatty acids. Thus, it helps keep skin cells healthy while protecting them from UV rays. Notably, vitamin A can even help reduce acne and prevent new comedones from appearing.

It has antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.  Its use is ideal for treat dryness, rashes, and eczema. 

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a substance with antimicrobial properties that helps treat acne. Unlike other oils, it is suitable for almost all skin types (except oily) and manages to hydrate deeply. It is very rich in vitamins E and K, two excellent nutrients for the skin. 

6. Honey

constipation honey

It is a natural source rich in nutrients and enzymes that help to gently exfoliate the skin in order to remove the layer of dead cells that take away its freshness. On the other hand, s Its antiseptic, antimicrobial, regenerative, soothing and moisturizing properties are beneficial in helping to heal wounds, treat acne, allergies and other mild conditions.

7. Avocado

Avocado is a food loaded with antioxidants, vitamins A, D and E, potassium, lecithin, as well as omega 3 fatty acids and many other nutrients. Therefore, it has soothing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antimicrobial properties. A study published in 2013 indicates that avocado oil stimulates collagen synthesis, which can help the skin to heal and regenerate.

In summary

Mother nature offers multiple benefits that contribute to both our well-being and our beauty routine. In this sense, l Organic products are a great source of nutrients for the skin, which will help to take care of it and make it look healthier, smoother, more luminous and as free of imperfections as possible.

Check with your dermatologist about the type of product that can most favor your skin type and, once you have their suggestion, start giving natural products a try.

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