Plants That Help Purify Your Home

Contrary to what is usually thought, the plants that help to purify the home do not always require very specific care or spaces specially designed for them. On the contrary, many adapt easily to any environment, as long as their basic needs are well covered.

Best of all, they are readily available in most nurseries. Although it is also true that you can plant and grow them yourself in the garden.

Polluted air: never again, thanks to plants

The air that circulates in all rooms of a house is polluted. This means that it contains volatile and irritating substances that come mainly from the outside   and that are introduced unconsciously when we enter the door, open a window or step on our shoes.

They also appear when we sweep, clean a piece of furniture or light an incense. All these particles can affect the health of the eyes, nose or throat (and the entire respiratory system in general).

In addition, when we clean with certain products such as detergent, paint the walls, remove the curtains to wash or come from the park, there are more particles suspended in the air around us.

Plants that purify the air in your home

Green plants have always been used to decorate the living room, kitchen or hall. But in addition, for some time, they are also used to purify the home. Apparently they serve to improve air quality.

Like people, plants need to breathe to live. When they do, they absorb the particles that are suspended in the air and then expel them through the roots. There, they are destroyed by microorganisms in the earth.

In a way, plants help reduce the harmful elements in the air, such as cigarette smoke.

What are the plants to purify the air in your home?


Although they have a bad reputation because they are difficult to care for, the truth is that they need much less water and sun than we think. Do not place them excessively near a window and water it little.

According to this study carried out by the Orquiecuador and Gloxinias Tenure Center (Ecuador), orchids release the air of a pollutant found in paints, xylene. This makes them a gift for someone who has just moved or renovated their apartment.

Unlike other species, they also breathe and deliver oxygen at night, so they are ideal to place in bedrooms.

The lily of peace

If you like flowers but you don’t want them to wither after a few days, this plant is ideal for you. It thrives in the shade with low temperatures.

It is used to eliminate toxic and harmful substances for health such as acetone, ethyl acetate, ammonia, benzene, methyl alcohol, xylene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene. This is suggested by this study from Portland State University (United States).


Supposedly, another of the plants that help purify the home is the philodendron. This plant  is very easy to care for, because it requires almost no maintenance. It has a very beautiful color, which will also help brighten the environment.

It helps neutralize certain compounds, according to this document published by the University of Florida. One of them is xylene, which causes discomfort, headache and nausea.

The massangeana

According to popular beliefs, Dracaena fragrans massangeana  is one of the plants that help purify the air in the home. It is said to be able to “breathe” the formaldehyde that accumulates in the air.

The Anthurium andreanum

It has many flowers (which last a long time) and its foliage is very pretty. It is one of the most elegant indoor plants. It is usually known by the name of “devil’s tongue” and is believed to have aphrodisiac properties (although there is no scientific evidence in this regard).

According to this study by the American Society for Horticultural Science, its benefits are more than proven. It is ideal for offices or workplaces.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina is also said to be another plant that helps purify the air in the home. It requires a lot of sunlight and to be watered periodically.  It can grow into a 2 meter tree. As it is very beautiful, it is very common to include it in the decoration.

In the popular sphere it is said that it is a good option, since it ‘sucks up’ the toxins that acrylic paints, upholstery fabrics and cleaning products give off.

The palm?

The palm tree is an exotic plant and requires direct light all day, so if you decide to use it as a decorative element, try to place it in a sunny place. There is no evidence that it provides any particular benefit when it comes to air purity, however many people include it in their homes because of its beautiful appearance.

Which one do you prefer?

Do you already have these plants at home? If you still do not use these elements to purify your home, acquire one of these varieties soon. As you can see, they provide important benefits!

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