Pityriasis: A Very Common Skin Rash

The United States National Library of Medicine defines pityriasis as a common skin rash in the younger population, especially those between the ages of 10 and 40.

Although it is true that, to this day, it is unknown exactly what causes it, it is suspected that the origin is viral and it almost always appears in the spring and autumn months. Also, although it can appear in more than one member of the family, it is suspected that it does not spread from person to person.

Its level of contagion is not particularly high, but that is not why we have to neglect adequate hygiene measures. In this way, we avoid spreading these ailments when there are many of us at home or when, for example, we frequent swimming pools or gyms. We give you more information in the following article.


Pityriasis rash

People with pityriasis experience a small shock when they see a first crimson patch appear on their skin overnight . It is what is known as “heraldic stain.

According to data from the MSD Manual, this first spot is usually between 2 and 10 cm, and appears on the trunk or near the arms and / or legs. This, surely, will be followed by others that are smaller and, at the same time, more invasive.

The first thing patients think is that it is due to an allergic reaction. This is the conclusion usually reached by people affected by pityriasis but, in reality, it is usually a conjunction of many factors that we explain below.

An infectious agent


Dermatologists tell us that pityriasis almost always responds to a viral infection, although there is pityriasis caused by fungi. It can occur when we frequent spaces with many people, and its first outbreak usually appears in autumn or spring.

There is thus an “infectious” agent that has not yet been determined and that would affect young people who, at any given time, have a slightly weaker immune system.

In addition, experts tell us that pityriasis, in more than 50% of cases, appears after we have had some type of illness, such as the flu, chickenpox, a cold …

Thus, we could say that having low defenses influences considerably.

  • The period in which we suffer most from pityriasis is similar to that of a disease. There are a few days of greater intensity until it weakens and reduces its presence.
  • The clinical data reveal something important to us: there is an increase in B lymphocytes and a decrease in T lymphocytes. We must remember that lymphocytes are different types of white blood cells that fight infection.

Treatments for pityriasis

The presence of the skin rash, once it appears, usually lasts between 4 and 8 weeks. As we have indicated before, it usually makes its debut through a first plate that, later, can escape in small groups forming a kind of “Christmas tree”.

  • Pityriasis rosacea is more common. However, the spots can be white or pink.
  • Itching and discomfort.
  • Sometimes, it can also present certain scarifications.

An article from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile points out that the first treatment used is usually corticosteroids. These medications reduce redness and inflammation.


However, not everyone feels better with this type of treatment. For this reason, antihistamine pills are also often prescribed to stop the burning and itching sensation and the stain itself.

Another alternative is ultraviolet light therapy. In this type of technique, the exposure of the affected skin to UV rays is carefully controlled for a few minutes, under the supervision of a dermatologist. The results are usually positive.

In addition, some doctors suggest that exposure to natural sunlight may also be helpful (for a few minutes and never in the middle of the day).

Tea tree oil for skin rash

Natural medicine recommends the use of tea tree oil to improve the symptoms of pityriasis. This is due to its proven anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.

It would be enough to apply a small amount to the affected areas only once a day to feel some relief. If we have very sensitive skin, it should be mixed with a little water. It is worth noting that we have not found scientific evidence on the effectiveness of applying tea tree oil in cases of pityriasis.

Remember also that hot showers and tight clothing tend to intensify this ailment. Opt for lukewarm baths, for breathable fabrics and also avoid intense physical exercise that makes you sweat excessively.

As we always tell you, never hesitate to consult with one or more specialists when treating a skin rash. Nobody better than the dermatologist to diagnose and determine the best treatment to alleviate the ailment.

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