Overcome The Fear Of Being Criticized With The Following Tips

The fear of being criticized can greatly limit us and prevent us from fighting for our hopes and dreams. Find out how to get rid of those chains in the next article.

The fear of being criticized is much more common than we think. The person who experiences it is always alert to what others may think about each step he takes. This limits their actions, their freedom of action and ends up causing them to take no risks and stay in their comfort zone.

But where does the fear of ruthless criticism come from? Most likely, its origin goes back to childhood, where devaluation by parents or schoolmates and lack of recognition have generated a negative dependence on the opinions of others.

The fear of being criticized is on your mind

Fear of being criticized

Sometimes the fear of criticism is just our imagination. We may have been through a traumatic experience where we were judged and embarrassed. That is why, in a similar scenario, what happened long ago comes to mind.

But who assures us that the same thing will happen? Perhaps this time no one will criticize us. Moreover, perhaps what we achieve will fill us so much that that pain will remain in the past.

So, the next time we have a project or want to fulfill a dream and fear appears, let’s dare to move forward without fear. Let us seek to verify through action that what we really think will come true. Let’s take a chance.

We only have one life and it goes by very quickly. Every missed opportunity is a wasted experience that you will remember every day with longing and sadness.

Others are not going to live your life for you. So, don’t let their malicious comments change your image of yourself. That will only give them power and it will detract from your self-esteem.

Many criticisms camouflage envy

Another way to overcome the fear of being criticized is to start seeing criticism for what it often is: envy.

People who do not dare to pursue their dreams or who are also afraid of being judged envy those who move forward without fear.

If you are a person who is afraid of criticism, you may feel identified with this aspect. It is completely normal. When we do not dare to do what we want, we observe with a certain envy those who do not care about everything and pursue what they yearn for regardless of what others may think.

Rather than remain refugees in our comfort zone, we should see this as an opportunity to start doing it ourselves. The only way to overcome a fear is to face it and take action.

If you fail, you learn

While criticism from the past may hurt, it’s important that you don’t let it limit you.

It is true that you failed, but who has never happened to? The interesting thing is that you turn failures into your true allies, that from each stumble you learn something new.

Change your concept of failure. Start to take them as opportunities to learn, to improve and to continue striving to achieve what you want.

Building something from scratch is never easy. Mistakes and mistakes will help you move on.

Remember that you are the owner of your life: ignore the fear of being criticized

If you are afraid of being criticized, remember that you are the owner of your life. Write it down on a sticky note if necessary and post it in a conspicuous place in your home.

No one is going to live life for you. What’s more, your life path is a blank piece of paper. Will you allow others to write on it?

The moment you let what you dream of stay in your mind and do not take action, failure will be assured. You will never feel happy.

The fear of being criticized, like many other fears, can be overcome. You just need something fundamental, which is to start making decisions.

If you think about it, the opinions of others really aren’t that important. You should only worry about yours and nobody else’s.

Finally, in case the fear of what others think becomes untenable, it is always advisable to consult a psychologist. Your well-being defines your happiness, so strive for it.

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