Orange Tiramisu

The orange tiramisu recipe without eggs is a less caloric version of this dessert of traditional Italian cuisine, ideal for those who want to avoid consuming raw eggs and incorporate a fruity touch that gives a twist to this classic and autumnal dessert.

The tiramisu, born in northern Italy, has an uncertain geographical origin. Tuscany, Veneto and Piedmont dispute its creation, which, however, are closely related to the nobility. Curious fact, since its ingredients are far from being unattainable, surely already arranged in our pantry.

Another legend around tiramisu is that it is located in the taverns and brothels of Treviso, where last century soldiers were tempted by the hostesses of the place, with this attractive “snack”.

Tiramisu ingredients needed

Well-loaded coffee (espresso), sponge cakes, mascarpone and cocoa, are the base of this sweet that has won the hearts of all pastry lovers.

The orange tiramisu is a cold dessert, simple to make and that with the days will gain in flavor. The secret for this sweet to keep its shape is to keep it in the fridge for at least three hours before eating it.

The mascarpone can be substituted for another cream cheese. There are those who make a mixture of two parts of cream cheese, for one of yogurt. The result may be slightly different in taste if we use these substitutes, but they will not negatively affect our orange tiramisu recipe.

You can also write down this other preparation to get a fake mascarpone: ricotta cheese, heavy cream and sugar. Mix and we will obtain a delicious cream with less fat.

We are going to prepare this wonder of sweet Italy, with which we will give the finishing touch to our meals.

Let’s make the orange tiramisu!

orange juice michelle @ TNS


  • Soletilla biscuits (200 g).
  • Sugar (150 g).
  • Espresso or ristretto type coffee (180 g).
  • Orange juice (180 g).
  • Liquid whipping cream (200 g).
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Coffee or almond liqueur.
  • Orange zest.

Orange tiramisu, step by step:


Let’s start our preparation by arranging the ingredients and utensils to be used on our table. The order in the kitchen saves us preparation time.

  1. You have to make the  coffee well strong.
  2. In a saucepan over low heat add  the sugar with the orange juice until the sugar dissolves, without letting it thicken.
  3. Whip the cream with a hand mixer and slowly add the syrup and orange zest.
  4. In a container we combine the coffee and the tablespoons of liquor. Later, we dip the cakes in the liquid and place them in a container.
  5. Then a layer of sponge cakes should be placed at the bottom of the mold and covered with the mascarpone and orange cream.
  6. Cover with another layer of biscuits bathed in the coffee mixture.
  7. We cover again with the mascarpone cream and so on, we continue until we make a third and last layer of sponge cakes and mascarpone.
  8. To finish, we add an orange syrup thick enough to solidify in the fridge.

This dessert can be eaten the next day, as the ingredients will be more integrated.

You can drizzle cocoa over the orange tiramisu or top the cake with melted icing chocolate.

If you want to make the tiramisu with eggs, you must replace the whipped cream with two egg yolks beaten with the sugar, make this mixture in a bain-marie, so the yolk will cook and you will avoid consuming any product infected with bacteria.

Then you will add to this mixture four egg whites until stiff until all the ingredients are united.

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