Natural Remedies For Nasal Allergies

In our space we tell you which are the most effective natural remedies to combat and reduce the discomfort associated with nasal allergies.

Nasal allergies are one of the most common conditions, especially at certain times of the year, such as spring or on days when there are a number of specific environmental conditions. Here are some natural remedies that can help you reduce these discomforts.

Nasal allergy remedies

1. Nettle

Nettle can cause skin or topical allergies. In fact, “urticaria” derives from nettle. But, it is popularly believed that nettle infusion can be of great help in fighting nasal allergies, especially those caused by pollen.

2. Saline solutions

A simple saline solution has been shown to be of great help in counteracting the annoying symptoms of allergic rhinitis, because it promotes the transport of mucus and improves smell. 

In reality, solutions of this type are simply a mixture of water with salt, so they are very simple to prepare. Currently, pharmacies sell this type of product, often made with seawater. However, go to the specialist doctor to give you the treatment that he deems most appropriate.

3. Solutions to eliminate mites

Mites are one of the most harmful elements for our health, since they trigger nasal allergies.

To avoid them, you can prepare a solution of water, detergent and eucalyptus and soak our clothes or garments where they can be housed in order to eliminate them. There is no scientific evidence of its complete elimination using this method.

4. Honey

Being a natural product, honey usually contains pollen, an element that can trigger nasal allergies. However, according to studies, allergy to honey is rare in people allergic to pollen.

It is popularly believed that consuming honey can be of great help to those who suffer from nasal allergies. What is scientifically known is that honey is a suitable treatment for septic wounds.

5. Green tea

This natural product has multiple benefits for our health. According to popular belief, one of them is considered to reduce the symptoms of nasal allergies, due to its high histamine content.

6. Probiotics

Products containing probiotics have been shown to improve symptoms and quality of life for people with allergic rhinitis. 

Remember that probiotics contain bacteria that are beneficial to our body. These are found in products such as yogurt or other types of dairy.

7. Mint

Another great natural remedy for nasal allergies, caused by pollen or dust, is peppermint. This product also decreases the production of histamine. There is no scientific evidence for it.

According to popular belief, preparing an infusion of peppermint or some natural product that contains it can stop the annoying sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes caused by nasal allergies.

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