My Child Is Overweight: What Can I Do?

Today in our space we want to explain how to address the problem of overweight in our children.

It is a reality that in many cases leads to diabetes problems, or heart disease in adulthood.

We strive to educate our children in values, in emotions, in content … So, why not also educate in nutrition and health?

According to data from the WHO (World Health Organization), childhood obesity is today a public health problem that we must take into account.

The effort is worth it and it is a task that all of us must carry out together.

The importance of family support

Something very common that occurs in many homes is poor diet. We follow incorrect models of nutrition where the little ones also end up suffering the consequences.

And it is not only this. It is also clear that genetics determines most of the time that we are overweight.

These are some of the things to keep in mind:

1. Have the advice of pediatricians before being overweight


If you have a family history and you think that your children can inherit that more robust constitution where they tend to store a few extra kilos, do not hesitate to go to the pediatrician.

We can never run the risk of putting a child on a diet on our own, without first knowing their peculiarities and without the advice of a specialist. Our children are in full growth phase, and any deficiency, any deficiency in vitamins, proteins and minerals can have consequences.

2. Be a good example for them

Not long ago we talked to you about the importance of being a good role model for your children. Your way of reacting to things, your way of communicating, treating and managing are guidelines that they observe, process and imitate in many cases.

If you make an effort to follow a healthy, varied and balanced diet, they will see it as normal. That is to say, it is not about “putting our son on a diet” while we overeat in certain foods in front of him.

We must have a balance at home and at the table, be consistent with what we do and what we demand of children.

3. Support him in the daily habits of a healthy life

There is a vital aspect to the issue of childhood overweight. Children often experience school rejection due to this fact, but if, in addition, they believe that you are not satisfied with their physical appearance either, they will build a very negative self-image of themselves.

Try first to show them unconditional support, attend to their emotions at all times, and be positive .

  • We must encourage them to lead a healthy life, eat better, and exercise.
  • Power that they feel good about themselves no matter what they are .

Yes to keep an active life

Both the WHO and the American Society for Sports Medicine recommend the following:

  • Have children between the ages of 5 and 17 get regular exercise 3-4 times a week.
  • Physical exercise improves your cardiorespiratory capacity, regulates overweight, promotes growth, favors your metabolism and enhances your self-esteem and social relationships.
  • Avoid sitting home from school all afternoon. Each child will have different tastes, so it is worth discovering what may interest them: swimming, karate, dancing, soccer….
  • If you maintain an active life and integrate them into activities, it will be something very suitable to combat being overweight.

Basic dietary guidelines

As we indicated at the beginning, it is necessary that you always have the guidance of a specialist when treating your children’s overweight.

Now, for our part we also advise you these basic guidelines in the child’s day-to-day:

  • Avoid having high-calorie foods at home. It is better that they do not see them at home and that they associate them more with “special and specific occasions”.
  • Breakfast is essential. They should not skip any of the 5 daily meals, served, yes in fair quantities.
  • Use small plates so they feel full.
  • Choose low-fat or skim dairy. Also introduce some vegetable drink.
  • If they are thirsty they should drink water. Sodas don’t calm her down and are also for “special occasions.”
  • In case our son suffers from obesity, juices will not be recommended: a piece of natural fruit is better.
  • Avoid eating while watching television. The idea is that they focus on the moment of feeding, that they chew calmly.
  • It is essential that they increase the consumption of fresh vegetables, whole foods  and those types of bread rich in whole grains not made with refined white flour.
  • We know that it is difficult for children to eat vegetables, so here our originality is very important when presenting them on the plate.

The effort is worth it!

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