Mustard: A Very Versatile Seed

Mustard has been used since ancient times as a condiment, as it gives food a strong flavor. However, this is not the only utility it has.

In fact, not only to flavor food, but it is also used in natural remedies. There are even those who take advantage of it to clean the home.

A spa in a seed

Mustard seed

While there are no studies to support its benefits, mustard and its derivatives have long been used to improve the appearance of the body, specifically hair and skin.

Its vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are believed to nourish hair and skin, making them stronger and giving them shine. In addition, being a source of beta-carotene, it would stimulate hair growth.

Mustard oil is often used for hair treatment. In fact, a 2014 study notes that it could be beneficial for treating dandruff (and acne). Said oil can be easily applied to the scalp. For greater effectiveness, it is usually recommended to wash it just the day after it has been used.

We have mentioned that mustard is also popularly used as a skin treatment, applying it directly to the skin for a short period of time.

However, some care must be taken, as some people may show allergic reactions. It is best to apply a very small amount of mustard to the skin to see if any reaction occurs.

Mustard as a medicine

Honey mustard

The use of this condiment is not limited to external care: it is also used as a medicine. Let’s see why.

Different investigations have found that mustard has antibacterial properties, which is why it is often used in natural medicine to relieve a sore throat. For this, it is usually advisable to gargle with a preparation of mustard seeds, lemon juice, honey and sea salt.

We put the ingredients in a cup of boiling water. Afterwards, we will let everything rest for a quarter of an hour and our remedy will be ready.

On the other hand, for congestion, it would be enough to make a dressing of mustard powder on a warm cloth. Finally, we place the compress on the sick person’s chest.

Mustard would also be useful for treating minor conditions, such as minor burns, according to a study published in Scientific Reports . In such cases, mustard powder would be applied over it to try to reduce the appearance of blisters. On the other hand, thanks to its sulfur content, it could be useful for constipation.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties would be effective against cold symptoms and headaches, as well as it could be used as a muscle relaxant, preparing warm baths of powdered mustard with some essential oil and Epsom salts.

On the other hand, some research has warned that its antioxidants – such as vitamin C – and isothiocyanates, could help prevent the appearance of different types of cancer and even collaborate to prevent their growth; especially those that affect the urinary tract. However, more research is needed on this.

Mustard in the home

Mustard seed

This product is also used in home care,  as a natural disinfectant and as an anti-grease agent. To remove grease from dishes, for example, it would be enough to apply a little mustard powder before washing.

Another property of mustard is its strong odor, which also allows you to deodorize containers and dishes. A mixture of powder of its seeds and water would be enough to eliminate bad odors and leave your kitchen utensils like new.

Mustard contraindications

Although mustard is very versatile and beneficial, it is not without causing some unwanted side effects. In addition, it is contraindicated in certain cases. In particular, it should be avoided in case of pregnancy, lactation or inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

Its external use should also be avoided in case of ulcers or skin conditions, as it can be irritating. Finally, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using it if you are having circulatory problems.

In conclusion, although mustard has interesting properties that could be beneficial for your body, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before using it to alleviate the symptoms of any condition,

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