Menopause Without Discomfort: 5 Plants That Help You

Thanks to the properties of some medicinal plants we can reduce the discomfort of menopause and combat the most frequent problems of this stage, such as insomnia or hot flashes.

Do you want a menopause without discomfort? Are your symptoms overwhelming you? Today you will discover with us 5 plants that will help you relieve hot flashes, fatigue and decreased libido, among many other things. So you can overcome this stage successfully.

Menopause usually appears after the age of 45. The ovaries stop producing estrogen, reducing the production of other hormones that play an important role in reproduction.

All this results in a series of quite uncomfortable symptoms that you can solve with the remedies that we propose.

Plants for a menopause without discomfort

There are several studies that have begun to show special attention to the effects that medicinal plants can have in menopause. It will be on them that we will base ourselves to recommend the 5 plants that will help us to successfully face this stage.

1. Legumes

Fruit and soy milk.

The study carried out by J. Esteban-Altirriba on Isoflavones and menopause indicates that the isoflavones that can be found in legumes help to treat hot flashes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Some of the legumes that we can consume are chickpeas, peas or soybeans, among other foods. Its frequent intake will help us to feel better and to reduce hot flashes considerably.

2. Cimicifuga racemosa

According to Dolores Juliá et al. ,  This plant  is an effective treatment for the relief of vasomotor symptoms.

The way to consume this plant is through capsules, which we can find in any natural store or pharmacy. According to this study , the recommended daily amount should not exceed 40 mg.

The consumption of this plant has reported very good results to reduce hot flashes and also improve mood. However, more studies are still being carried out in this regard.

3. Valerian ( Valeriana officinalis )

Valerian is a plant that we usually consume in infusion or through capsules. According to Nombela and colleagues , it can significantly help sleep problems that occur during menopause.

Nighttime awakenings and shallow sleep can lead to serious insomnia problems. Therefore, this will increase the feeling of fatigue and tiredness.

Taking a valerian infusion or capsule before bed will help to deal with this problem.

4. Damiana ( Turnera diffusa )

Damiana infusion.

The absence of libido is another of the great problems that affect women in menopause. However, it can be improved significantly thanks to the consumption of the damiana plant.

It can be made through an infusion or through capsules.

This plant has a revitalizing and aphrodisiac effect, although studies are still being carried out in this regard, as Carla María Fernández Castro points out in her study Efficacy of damiana on the libido of women in the menopausal period .

5. Red clover ( Trifolium pratense )

Red clover also helps alleviate the symptoms of menopause. One of the most important is that it prevents loss of bone density and can even increase it. Therefore, it is very good for strengthening bones.

The best way to consume it is through capsules or through an infusion.

Live without fear of menopause

Woman sitting and smiling.

Due to the symptoms that are usually present when menopause occurs, many women may fear it. However, thanks to the plants that we have discovered, you can experience menopause without discomfort.

To begin to see its effects, we have to be constant in taking the mentioned plants. Remember that natural remedies do not have an effect as immediate as the drugs that can be prescribed.

In addition to all this, it is necessary to take time to do physical exercise and take care of the diet. Menopause involves a series of changes that may upset us, but with which we can deal in a natural way.

Do you want a menopause without discomfort? You don’t know how to calm the hot flashes or the lack of libido that is affecting your relationship?

We hope that all the plants that you have discovered will help you to deal with all the symptoms that now affect you, as they can significantly reduce them.

Don’t resort to drugs that promise to make you lose weight or to sleeping pills. To live a menopause without discomfort, use plants. A natural and effective option.

Remember, however, to consult with your doctor about its consumption, in order to avoid interfering with other conditions or medication.

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