Mango And Ginger Smoothie For Heavy Digestion

Let us remember that it is necessary to support the digestive function with good lifestyle habits but, above all, with the intake of quality food, in moderate quantities.

The combination of mango and ginger can be very beneficial for digestive health and, above all, the correct absorption of nutrients. In addition to optimizing digestion, this natural shake also helps fight inflammation and neutralize the action of free radicals. 

Next, we will review the composition of both ingredients so that you can detail why it is so beneficial to combine them in the same drink.

Mango and ginger to better digest meals

Both mango and ginger provide the body with a high content of fiber, an essential substance for optimal intestinal transit. So, by stimulating peristaltic movements, balancing and protecting the microbiota, regular consumption of mango and ginger helps prevent disorders such as constipation.

On the other hand, both foods provide a large amount of  digestive enzymes,  which are responsible for breaking down the polymers into smaller molecules, so that the nutrients in the food can be easily absorbed.

Mango for constipation can be very useful.

  • In addition to fiber, mango provides vitamin A and K, potassium and beta-carotene.
  • Ginger provides various nutrients and antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E. Additionally, this root is well known for having an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It is important to note that ginger is contraindicated in some cases. Therefore, it is advisable to inform yourself well before consuming it.

In view of the above, the mango and ginger smoothie is of high energy value, ideal to improve physical and mental productivity, especially in those moments of weakness and fatigue.

This drink is a good support for those who want to avoid the snack between meals, since its compounds help to satisfy the appetite.

Possible extra ingredients

Along with mango and ginger, which stand out as the main ingredients, we suggest including other foods with anti-inflammatory properties that help enhance their benefits. For example, you can add a little turmeric, a spice with properties that help fight inflammation and relieve stomach pain.

3 antioxidant-rich turmeric smoothies

We can also add one or more slices of papaya pulp, an ingredient recognized for its multiple beneficial properties for digestive and intestinal health. As some studies indicate, “there are reports that the ripe fruit is used as a laxative, abortifacient, antibiotic, antibacterial and digestive”.

Although it can be prepared with water, we suggest using flax milk or any other vegetable drink that enhances its benefits and nutritional qualities.

It should be noted that, although this drink is an excellent remedy for heavy and slow digestions, it can also be ingested on a regular basis (2 or 3 times a week) as a preventive of various stomach and intestinal conditions.


  • ¼ cup of walnuts (25 g).
  • 2 slices of ripe papaya.
  • 2 cups of chopped mango (200 g).
  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric (2.5 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger (5 g).
  • 3 ½ cups of flax seed milk (375 ml).


  • Pour the flax seed milk into the blender, then add the chopped mango, ripe papaya, and walnuts.
  • Process everything and, after obtaining a creamy drink, add the fresh ginger and turmeric. Process again.
  • Add the chia seeds and stir with a spoon to distribute them throughout the drink.
  • Serve and consume at the moment so that its properties are not lost.

Recommendations to enjoy … Without going through a heavy digestion!

We recommend drinking this natural mango and ginger smoothie without sugar or any other sweetener, as it can affect the properties of the ingredients. Also because it can give it a too cloying taste.

On the other hand, you should not take this shake as a substitute for any meal. Rather, it is a dietary supplement that can be enjoyed with a meal (such as breakfast) or as a snack.

Those who want to take advantage of the “energy boost” of this shake, can take advantage of this drink before doing their exercise routine, before eating.

Since it is very satiating and low in calories, you can also take advantage of it as an alternative to calm the feeling of hunger in moments of anxiety.

Preparing a healthy drink to promote the health of the digestive system is a very simple task that can be done with very simple ingredients, but with a really exquisite taste.

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