Low Back Pain At Work: 5 Tips To Avoid It

Low back pain at work is one of the most common health problems related to the workplace. This condition refers to pain in the lower back, the intensity of which can be disabling.

Sometimes it appears due to the effort required by certain jobs, such as being a bricklayer or a painter. However, it is also typical in jobs where no physical effort is made, but many hours are spent in a chair or in bad posture.

According to the European Agency, studies show that between 60% and 90% of people will suffer from this problem at some point in their life. Therefore, in this article we share 5 tips that contribute to its prevention. 

Facts about low back pain at work

Lower back pain, better known as low back pain, can appear acutely after intense exertion. Likewise, it is possible that it develops chronically, which leads to a reduction in the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

So much so that it is considered the first cause of limitation to exercise in people under 45 years of age. Even in countries like Mexico, studies show that almost 15% of sick leave is due to this disease. 

Now, contrary to what many think, this condition does not only occur in people with jobs where more physical effort is required. It is also frequent in those who have sedentary jobs or that force them to remain in the same position for a long time.

Many times, this is because the workplace is not paying attention. That is, it is ignored that the chair is not appropriate or that the table is not at the correct height. The same thing happens if there are not enough breaks or if there is poor posture for several hours.

Work stress, overtime, and other factors also play a role in this symptom. In fact, these factors are associated with other frequent pain, such as that located in the cervical area. In total, 50% of consultations for low back pain are associated with work.

Facts about low back pain at work 

What to do to avoid low back pain at work?

Having low back pain at work can be very limiting; Therefore, to avoid this problem, you can make some adjustments in your routine. According to information published in Harvard Health Publishing , exercise, some medications, and various changes in habits can offer greater relief. In addition to this, other recommendations can be applied. Take aim!

1. Take care of your posture

First of all, if you want to avoid this ailment, it is essential to be careful with the posture in which you work. In case you have a sedentary job, in which you have to sit for many hours, try to choose a suitable chair that fits your back well.

The feet should reach the ground and, in addition, you should avoid crossing your legs for a long time. In the meantime, if you’re working standing up, it’s best to balance your weight on both feet and stay upright.

2. Take breaks

Linked to the previous advice, you should avoid maintaining the same posture for a long time. To do this, a good option is to change position regularly and take breaks. Try taking a few minutes to stretch your muscles to loosen up the built-up tension. This way you can also mitigate stress.

3. Reduce excessive loads

It is difficult to prevent low back pain at work when the job demands a lot of physical effort. In case you have tasks that force you to carry a lot of weight, try to watch the way you do it. If you strain your back too much, the injury can become chronic. Therefore, it is best to ask for help.

Another way to avoid pain is to intersperse tasks. For example, dedicate yourself for a time to what requires physical effort; and other time, by way of rest, to tasks that must be done sitting down.

4. Rest

It’s not just about taking breaks throughout the workday. You should also pay attention to the hours you spend sleeping and the postures in which you sleep. Poor quality of sleep is related to increased pain. It can even lead to a chronic form of low back pain.

To rest 

5. Watch your body weight and exercise

Both being overweight and obese are risk factors for low back pain. Your lack of control can lead to states of disability. This is because the structures of the spine are put under greater pressure when there is too much weight.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to your weight and adopt habits that allow you to keep it stable and healthy. In general, adopting a healthy diet and doing physical exercise can help. However, it is best to consult your doctor for an individualized plan.

Avoiding low back pain at work is possible

There are many factors related to low back pain at work. Despite this, you can make several adjustments to your lifestyle and routines to try to avoid it. In case it occurs chronically, consult your doctor to guide you towards other forms of treatment.

The professional, once the origin of the pain is established, may suggest taking analgesics, physical therapy and other therapeutic options to avoid complications. Keep that in mind!

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