Learn How To Prepare Homemade Rosemary Alcohol To Combat Cellulite

Rosemary alcohol is a homemade solution that is proposed as an adjuvant treatment for cellulite. Have you ever tried it?

Rosemary alcohol is proposed as an adjunctive treatment for cellulite. Have you ever heard of it and its possible benefits for your skin? Don’t worry, we will also comment on everything below. But first, let’s go over a few things about cellulite.

Cellulite is a common cosmetic problem that can affect people of any age, gender, and weight. However, it is true that it is usually more related to diseases such as obesity and overweight, as well as hormonal changes and sedentary lifestyle.

It is characterized by inflammation of the soft tissues, either due to circulatory or lymphatic system difficulties. This is characterized by the formation of small fat nodules. On the skin, they look like dimples or orange peel.

Until now there is no exact cause to explain its appearance. However, it is proven that bad lifestyle habits significantly influence this.

Although there is still no single specific treatment to address cellulite, there are recommended habits (such as exercising daily) and some homemade alternatives, such as rosemary alcohol.

Then we will share its properties and the simple recipe for you to prepare at home.

Why use rosemary alcohol to fight cellulite?

Cellulite on the legs.

Although there is no scientific evidence that rosemary alcohol is an effective remedy against cellulite, there are those who decide to take advantage of it to better care for their skin. In general terms, because it is considered that it can help:

  • Activate blood circulation.
  • Fight fluid retention.
  • And promote tissue de-inflammation.

It is also considered a natural tonic to maintain the firmness of the skin and prevent sagging.

  • According to various studies, the rosemary plant has several interesting properties. The most prominent when it comes to skin care is anti-inflammatory.
  • Other studies have evaluated the potential of some extracts of the rosemary plant and, although they may be useful, it is necessary to continue to deepen their usefulness in relation to the treatment of cellulite.
  • According to the experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, the leaves and flowering tops of rosemary contain tannins (a bitter principle), vitamin C, rosmarinic acid, a saponin and the alkaloid rosmaricin (responsible for the stimulating effect).
  • Even though rosemary (prepared in various ways) may have potential as an anti-cellulite remedy, it must be borne in mind that cellulite will not be cured or completely disappear if we do not lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • To combat this problem, it is essential to improve your diet, adopt an exercise routine and other good habits that promote health.

Recipe to prepare homemade rosemary alcohol

Homemade rosemary alcohol is very easy to prepare. Do you dare to do it? In that case, follow the following recipe that we are going to share with you below.

Rosemary is used in various ways in cooking and cosmetics.


  • 5 branches of fresh rosemary, with leaves and flowers.
  • ¾ 96º glass of alcohol (175 ml).
  • 1 airtight glass jar.


  • Cut the fresh rosemary branches into small pieces and place them in the glass jar.
  • Add the 96º alcohol (ethyl alcohol) and be sure to cover the branches.
  • Close the glass jar tightly, take it to a dark place and let it rest for at least 15 days.
  • After this time, take a clean cloth and filter the alcohol to separate the rosemary branches.

How to use

  • According to popular beliefs, the first thing you have to do is apply an exfoliating product so that the skin increases its absorption capacity.
  • After completing this step, dry the areas you want to treat well, dip a couple of cotton balls in the alcohol and apply it with a gentle massage.
  • Make sure to do upward movements. Start from the knee area and work your way up to the thighs and hips.
  • Focus on the back of the legs, just below the buttocks.
  • Let the alcohol absorb for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Once your skin is dry, you can apply your usual moisturizer.

Don’t stop exercising and taking care of your diet

To combat cellulite, the most important thing is to adopt and maintain a healthy, consistent and active lifestyle. The application of creams and rosemary oil should always be secondary.

If you want a more specialized treatment, consult your doctor. The professional will be able to indicate what may be the best for your case.

Remember, cellulite is a complex aesthetic problem that, at the moment, has no cure. However, researchers continue to study ways to improve medical treatments. For now, the best thing to do is to follow the dermatologist’s guidelines and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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