Learn How To Prepare A Natural Shaving Cream And Avoid Ingrown Hairs

Whether it’s summer or winter, women always want to look pretty… and soft! If you are tired of traditional hair removal methods, do not hesitate to read the following article. Learn how to make a natural shaving cream and avoid ingrown hair below.

Why use shaving cream?

It can be for fashion, aesthetics or hygiene. Women and men remove hair from different parts of the body. In this way they keep the skin soft and beautiful.

Shaving cream, in addition to removing hair, is a product with the ability to lubricate the skin before using machines, blades or razors.

If you choose a homemade cream you will not only be able to improve the shaving or shaving process, but you will also be avoiding the use of chemical or artificial elements that in the long term affect the skin or can even cause the appearance of ingrown hairs.

3 options to prepare natural shaving cream

Why use natural shaving cream

It all depends on the ingredients you have available at home or you can get in health food stores. We offer you 3 recipes to prepare a 100% natural and homemade shaving cream.

1. Basic shaving cream recipe

With this first alternative, you will not have to go out to buy anything, because you will have all the items on the bedside table or the bathroom.


  • ½ cup mild conditioner
  • ½ cup mild shampoo
  • 3 tablespoons face cream
  • 3 tablespoons baby oil (or olive)


  • Container
  • Spoon or spatula
  • Film paper
  • Funnel
  • Jar or bottle with a tight lid


  • First, put the conditioner and shampoo in a container. Mix well to integrate them.
  • Add the cream and oil and continue stirring in an enveloping way.
  • Next, let it settle in a cool and shady place covered with plastic wrap.
  • To preserve it better, put the mixture in a bottle or jar.
  • Afterwards, wash the area you want to shave with soap and water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Apply a layer of shaving cream and pass the utensil used to remove the hair.
  • Finally, rinse with warm water and pat dry (so as not to irritate the skin).

2. Intermediate shaving cream recipe

Coconut oil cream

We put this name on it because the ingredients are not so common at home. But in fact, they are readily available in health food stores.


  • 4 tablespoons shea butter
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons almond oil
  • 12 drops of almond essential oil


  • Saucepans
  • Spatula
  • Bowl
  • Film paper
  • Blender
  • Jar or bottle


  • First of all, put the shea butter and coconut oil in a saucepan. Heat in a bain-marie for a few minutes (always on low heat).
  • When it is integrated and melted, remove from heat.
  • Add the almond and lavender oils and stir to mix well.
  • Pour into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap and store in the fridge until set.
  • Next, remove from the cold and, with the mixer, stir to obtain a thick cream.
  • Let it rest for a few minutes. Transfer to a glass container ( you can keep it in the fridge for up to a month ).
  • It applies the same as the previous recipe.

3. Advanced shaving cream recipe

Olive oil

This option is, for example, for those who have already tried the two previous recipes or for those who prefer more ingredients in their home remedies. It is very effective!


  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons of shea butter (can be cocoa)
  • ¼ cup of honey
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • ¼ cup liquid Castile soap
  • 1 tablespoon of cosmetic white clay (optional)


  • Saucepans
  • Spatula
  • Glass jar or bottle


  • First melt the shea butter in a saucepan (in a double boiler). Remove from heat when completely melted.
  • Then add the olive oil, honey, the vitamin E capsule, the baking soda, the Castile soap and, if desired, the white clay.
  • Stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture (it can be by hand or with a mixer) and compact.
  • Finally, pour into a glass container and let it cool.
  • To apply, follow the steps of recipe No. 1 in the same way.

How to avoid and treat ingrown hairs?

How to avoid and treat ingrown hairs

There is no doubt that an ingrown hair is very painful and also unsightly. Regardless of the hair removal method you use, it is likely that you have suffered it from time to time. So, pay attention to these tips to avoid ingrown hairs and never get them again:


It certainly works to remove dead skin cells and oils that may be trapping the hair, as well as to pull the tip out of the hair. First of all, use a special glove and apply a natural ingredient with exfoliating characteristics, such as:

  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Coffee
  • Oatmeal
  • Clay

Repeat twice a day in order to remove hair without problems. Suppose you usually suffer from ingrown hairs. A good idea is to exfoliate 3 times a week.

Acne creams

If you have pimples on your face and you follow some treatment (home or not) it can be useful to eliminate ingrown hairs, especially if they have been infected and have pus. As is to be expected, the inflammation will decrease and the hair will have more room to come out.

If you don’t use this type of cream, applying a little toothpaste can be an excellent option.

Hot compresses

To soften the skin and, above all, open the pores, wet a cloth or canvas with hot water and place on the area with ingrown hair. Then leave a few minutes until it cools down. You may need to repeat the process if the hair is deeply embedded in the skin.

Another option to make a compress is with milk and bread.


  • 1 slice of sliced ​​bread
  • ¼ cup milk


  • First, heat the milk in a saucepan.
  • Second, soak the bread for a few seconds (no more, so it doesn’t crumble)
  • Third, apply to the area with ingrown hairs.
  • Lastly, leave 2 minutes. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

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