Keys To Educate Responsible And Happy Children

We all care about the education of our children. As fathers, mothers, grandmothers or educators in general, we want our children to be happy and also to learn to be responsible as they grow.

Responsibility generates autonomy, emotional stability, and the consequent maturity of a person. We explain how to promote them.

Educate our children in responsibility so that they are happy

None of us have the perfect manual for educating children. To make their lives perfect and have that essential dimension to which we all aspire and wish for them: happiness.

We know that educating with love is the stone on which to base each action, each word, but sometimes it is not enough. It is not correct, for example, to give the little ones everything they demand or want, you have to set limits.

We know that educating is not easy and that not all children are the same. Some will have a stronger character, others will be more introverted, but as parents, we must be attentive to these dimensions to know how to attend to their needs and aspire that tomorrow, they will be as happy as possible, have the life they have. We explain how to get it:

1. Education starts from day one

responsible children

A child doesn’t have to be 5 years old for us to start teaching them what the rules are or where the limits are. Keep in mind that children understand much more than you think, even long before they have acquired the ability to speak.

That is why we recommend the following: 

  • Follow fixed guidelines from birth. Children like safety and routines. Always put them to bed at the same time, respect their meal times. And remember first of all, always talk to them from birth Take care of them, caress them, respect their routines, make sure they get used to the tone of your voice … all this gives them security already in the first months of life.

    2. Children need rules

    Keep in mind that children must know from very early where the limits are. If they don’t have them, they will come to think that everything is allowed, and when they don’t they will feel frustrated. Unhappy It is therefore essential that you establish rules at home.

    • Get up early to go to school. Before we go we will make the bed and tidy up the room. Why? because at home we all have responsibilities. It is okay that we all collaborate with what we can do, within our capabilities.
    • The rules should be reasonable and democratically decided. What does this mean? That we should not act as authoritarian parents, but as parents who know how to listen and argue. Hence, every time you establish a rule, you must explain why.

    3. Always establish good communication with children

    We must always establish a relationship of trust and good communication with children. Don’t judge them, never criticize them. Never tell them “you are as stupid as…”, or “you have let me down”.

    This will only make them frustrated and want to get away from us. Always speak to them normally, listening to their words. Always answer their questions, you already know that when they are little they do not stop asking their constant questions, try to be the voice to all their doubts. All this will make them trust you and feel safe.

    4. Positive reinforcement before negative reinforcement

    If we look only at what they do wrong, children grow up with fear and low self-esteem thinking that they are not capable of many things. Avoid it. Look at what they do well, and reinforce it, encourage them:

    “I know that you are an intelligent child and that you can get what you want, because you deserve it.” “Nothing happens if you have failed this subject, I know that from now on you will try harder and that you will show me that you can achieve it.” Phrases like this help not only children, but anyone.

    5. Give them responsibilities according to their age

    It is essential that, from a young age, they have some responsibility. That way they will know what it is to strive and achieve things. They will learn what responsibility entails.

    Thus, from a young age, we can give them the following dimensions:

    • To pick up toys.
    • Take responsibility for their grooming as they grow.
    • The cleanliness and order of your room.
    • Help set and remove the table.
    • Take responsibility for a pet (if they have one).
    • Do your homework and organize your school supplies.
    • As they grow up and, when they reach adolescence, we will allow them things if they show us responsibility.
    • As they show us that they are capable, and that they are responsible for their things, we will offer them greater opportunities.

      But remember, it is essential that you always maintain good communication with your children, that you show them your love, your trust in them and that you always reinforce what is positive about them. Educating is a long road in which we train every day, but it is an adventure worth living. 

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