Kefir, Kiwi And Chia Shake To Regulate The Intestine

We should consume this shake for at least a week to begin to notice its effects when regulating the intestine and promoting transit

Intestinal health is essential to have a good quality of life and is also related to the absorption of nutrients and the body’s natural defenses. For this reason, it is always convenient to regulate the intestine frequently and naturally, especially if we suffer from some type of disorder.

Discover in this article how you can achieve this by drinking a kefir, kiwi and chia seed shake every day, three very beneficial ingredients for a deep and respectful bowel cleansing.

Regulate the gut to improve health

Regulate the gut to improve health

Nutritionists know that the intestine is the foundation of health, and yet most people suffer from some type of disorder without knowing it or without giving it the importance it deserves.

Although our diet is very healthy, if our intestine does not work correctly, we will not assimilate the nutrients well and, therefore, we may suffer nutritional deficits.

There are many factors that influence this organ, such as emotions, stress, overly refined diet, etc. For this reason we suggest you clean and regulate the intestine with this delicious shake.

A regulating shake

Shakes are a solution that is in fashion, since they allow us to combine several ingredients with specific properties to improve different health problems.

Taking them becomes a simple and pleasant healing therapy, for which we only need a blender or blender, and the desire to prepare it.

For this shake we will use three medicinal foods that have the main property of regulating the intestine, whatever the disorder we suffer from, or even if we are well but want to do a routine intestinal cleansing.


Kefir is a fermented milk drink made from the fungus that has this name. Although its description is not very attractive, this food has been consumed in many cultures since ancient times, since it can be made at home and has many health properties.

The natural fermentation of kefir is very beneficial to improve the intestinal bacterial flora. This fermentation is what gives it a characteristic acid touch that increases depending on how long we leave it before consuming it.

It can be made with any type of milk, but it has to be animal, since kefir, to grow and ferment the drink, must feed on lactose, which is the sugar present in milk.

This also means that kefir has much less lactose than milk, so it is easier to digest .

We can prepare it at home if we get a little of the kefir mushroom, as it will grow progressively. If not, we can also buy it like any other yogurt.


It is one of the best known fruits to promote intestinal transit without irritating the intestine, as many laxatives do. Many people fight constipation by eating kiwi on an empty stomach.

By incorporating the kiwi into this smoothie we will be adding a good dose of soluble fiber and vitamin C, which improve digestive health in general. 

By consuming kiwi on a regular basis, the stool becomes softer and more voluminous.


Chia seeds have the virtue of regulating the intestine thanks to their soluble and insoluble fiber content, and they are highly recommended whether we suffer from constipation or diarrhea, or alternate states of one and the other.

We will have to soak the chia seeds overnight. In the morning we will observe that the water has turned into a gelatinous mass, thanks to its mucilage content, which are very beneficial for the entire digestive tract.

How do we make the shake?


  • 1 glass of kefir already prepared, without the mushroom (200 ml)
  • 2 very ripe kiwis
  • 2 tablespoons of chia (25 g), which we will soak in half a glass of water (100 ml) overnight.
  • A little honey, cane or stevia (optional)


  • We will mix all the ingredients well, and we will also include the water in which the seeds have been soaked.
  • We will take this shake on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before eating anything else.
  • We will take it for a week to notice its property of regulating the intestine.

We can repeat it several times a year, when we need it.

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