Is It Safe To Use An Infrared Sauna?

Unlike UV rays or X-rays, the use of the infrared sauna does not pose a health risk. Rather, it helps relieve pain and promote better circulation.

Saunas are wet steam baths whose high temperature produces rapid sweat that is used for hygienic and therapeutic purposes. As part of its benefits is the improvement in circulation, a more successful perspiration response, muscle and mental relaxation. However, you should know that there are several types: dry and infrared sauna.

The dry sauna is the best known. Its average temperature ranges between 80 ° and 90 ° Celsius. While the infrared sauna uses light to create that heat and is sometimes named as a far infrared sauna , due to the movement of waves in the light spectrum.

What is an infrared sauna?

In recent years, the infrared sauna has become famous and preferred by users, because they ensure that it keeps the environment cooler than a traditional sauna.

This type, through light, allows heat to penetrate the body in a deep way, so that people sweat more, even with the temperature lower than that of a common sauna.

The level of penetration that the infrared sauna reaches is up to 3.8 centimeters and this measure allows the heat to reach the muscles and some internal organs. In fact, people use it to lose weight in water, as the amount of sweat expelled is higher than any.

Unlike ultraviolet light, infrared promotes cell regeneration. According to the Alternative Medicine Review magazine , the infrared sauna is special for relieving pain, reducing muscle tension, lowering blood pressure, and boosting the immune system. However, it must be taken into account that not everyone can use it.

Types of saunas

Now, it is important that you know more information about the different types of sauna that exist. Although infrared is one of the most used and preferred today, others are based on various operating methodologies.

Finnish sauna

The operation of the Finnish sauna is based on heating non-sandstone stones with electrical resistances until they reach their maximum point, so that they can give off dry heat. The average temperature ranges between 80 and 100 ° Celsius.

The humidity level is kept at 15%, which produces a lot of sweating in the people who use it. Among its benefits are the following:

  • Improve breathing.
  • Eliminate toxins, improving circulation.
  • Help the recovery of muscles in athletes.
Wooden sauna.

Wet sauna

Another way to call it is Turkish bath . Its operation is based on making a fusion of dry heat and humid heat. Unlike the previous one, the average temperature is at 70 ° Celsius and the relative humidity at 90%.

Its best known benefit is to relax the muscles of the body, which is why people use it in order to relieve pain with this origin.

Infrared sauna

As we have already mentioned, this type of sauna is based on infrared rays. In general, they are very easy to install, as they require neither electricity nor plumbing.

What are the possible benefits of the infrared sauna?

According to the book “Infrared Radiation”, made by researchers Sandra Portelo and M. Martínez Morrillo, the therapy that uses the infrared sauna has, among other advantages, an anti-inflammatory effect due to hyperemia. In addition, it can be used to promote healing, because it stimulates cell trophism.

In the same book it is specified that the benefits on smooth muscles are based on relaxation, so it would be antispasmodic. The action of heat on all nerve endings affects systemic muscle relaxation.

The infrared sauna is useful before exercise or a massage session, due to the increased blood circulation in the organs. This is why many of them are found within the gym facilities.

Additionally, infrared therapy has had a very positive response for pain relief. Although some diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, have no cure, patients have responded well in this type of sauna.

Possible side effects of the infrared sauna

Although the use of the infrared sauna is very wide, there are some side effects or risks that medical professionals warn about. In particular, it is contraindicated in pregnant women and people with heart disease.

Side effects include excessive sweating, as excessive sweating can lead to electrolyte and mineral depletion, overheating, and dehydration. So if you decide to use an infrared sauna, you should also try to maintain a good degree of hydration the rest of the day.

However, it is necessary to emphasize that, as long as they are used correctly, the dangers associated with infrared rays are minimal. But you should always consult a doctor if you have any doubts.

Hydration when using infrared sauna.

When should it be avoided?

Not all or all of the time you can use an infrared sauna. Here we will teach you the main scenarios or situations so that you know when this therapy should be avoided:

  • Patients with serious cardiovascular diseases.
  • Acute inflammation, due to increased edema or pain.
  • During the menstrual period.
  • Recent bleeding.

The infrared sauna for muscle and pain

Unlike X-rays and ultraviolet rays, those emitted by the infrared sauna are not dangerous to health, so their risks are not associated. This sauna heats up for between 10 and 20 minutes and, upon entering, the sensation of heat will not be like a blow, but you will feel it progressively and non-invasively.

Taking sessions in this type of sauna should not be a deliberate decision; it should always be accompanied by a doctor’s instructions to avoid any risk and make the most of the benefits. If you have contractures, osteoarthritis, low back pain or muscle spasms as a result of your physical activity, this therapy will be beneficial.

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