Is It Healthy To Eat Fruit On An Empty Stomach?

There are many myths and beliefs around the consumption of fruits. In this article we tell you if the theory that it is better to eat fruits on an empty stomach is real.

There are various beliefs regarding the fact of eating fruits on an empty stomach. There are those who believe that it is not right to do it. Others consider that the best supplement that you can add to your daily diet is a fruit when you are fasting.

This is due to the theory that, when consumed fasting, the fruit would not require a large amount of energy to be processed by our digestive system. In addition, it would offer different benefits for all-day operation. Now, what is truth in these beliefs? Let’s find out.

Why eat fruits on an empty stomach?

Eat fruits on an empty stomach

Many people argue that eating fruits on an empty stomach would be a good way to consume them, since fruits, in the beginning of digestion, would not be being digested by the stomach but by the small intestine.

The fruits would quickly pass through the stomach and then go to the intestine, where they would release their sugars.

On the other hand, if together with the fruits we had starches, potatoes or meat, the fruits would not carry out the process of reaching the intestine, which is where they could perform their best function, but would begin to ferment.

Benefits of eating fruits

  • The consumption of fruits is related, according to various studies, with a better state of mind and general well-being.
  • They would allow the proper functioning of the body.
  • They contain fructose, a substance that is made up of approximately 95% water. This would help us stay hydrated.
  • It would contribute to a better mineral density of the bones in children and adults.
  • They would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as an article published in Nutrients points out .
  • With their content of bioflavonoids, they would prevent the blood from thickening and clogging the arteries.

Fruits before or after the meal?

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Those who argue that eating fruit on an empty stomach is good, usually assure that they feel better when ingesting them, with more energy and a better mood. The reality is that we have not found scientific data to support these beliefs.

In fact, the hematologist and nutritionist Manuel Viso points out that the fruit can (and should) be eaten at any time of the day. Its health properties would make it a good option to eat before or after meals and even as snacks.

In general, it is usually advised that when consuming fruits or juices, they are not too cold or icy, as this could solidify their components and delay digestion. But beyond this recommendation, the general advice is to eat fruit whenever you feel like it!

Without a doubt, fruit turns out to be a perfect food to start the day … and to finish it. Actually, it would be good to incorporate the fruit in the daily diet no matter what time or when it is consumed.

Do not hesitate to consume fruit on a regular basis throughout your day to day. You will see how it helps you stay satisfied in a healthy way. Instead of chocolate or chips , turn to an apple, an orange, or a banana to satisfy your hunger.

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